Issue with actual rendering under Catalyst


I am getting error like double free or corruption (fasttop) when I try to render a very simple image with ParaView Catalyst. The trace looks like following (sorry I did not compile paraview or catalyst in debug mode yet to see the actual lines but if it is required I could work on it. The same code is working with script provided by ParaView Catalyst without any issue. I also tried with replacing catalyst_conduit_node_set_path_external_* calls with the catalyst_conduit_node_set_path_* once in case of issue about sharing pointers between simulation code and catalyst but still getting same error. I wonder if I am missing something in here.

For your reference, I am building ParaView using super build with following options,

cmake -DPARAVIEW_EXTRA_CMAKE_ARGUMENTS="-DVTK_OPENGL_HAS_OSMESA=ON;-DVTK_USE_X=OFF;-DVTK_DEFAULT_RENDER_WINDOW_HEADLESS=ON;-DPARAVIEW_USE_QT=OFF" -DUSE_SYSTEM_catalyst=ON -DUSE_SYSTEM_zlib=ON -DUSE_SYSTEM_python3=ON -DUSE_SYSTEM_mpi=ON -DENABLE_osmesa=ON -DENABLE_mesa=OFF -DENABLE_catalyst=ON -DENABLE_fortran=ON -DENABLE_mpi=ON -DENABLE_python3=ON -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=$PWD/install -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=/glade/u/apps/common/23.08/spack/opt/spack/intel-oneapi-compilers/2023.2.1/compiler/2023.2.1/linux/bin/icpx -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=/glade/u/apps/common/23.08/spack/opt/spack/intel-oneapi-compilers/2023.2.1/compiler/2023.2.1/linux/bin/icx -DCMAKE_MODULE_LINKER_FLAGS="-lstdc++exp" ../
libpthread-2.31.s  000014EB8E08D8C0  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown       000014EB8DCCCCBB  gsignal               Unknown  Unknown       000014EB8DCCE355  abort                 Unknown  Unknown       000014EB8DD12AE7  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown       000014EB8DD1AB6A  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown       000014EB8DD1C744  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown     000014EB5F63E33A  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown     000014EB5F57EC6E  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown     000014EB5F5C6CEA  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown     000014EB5F59A841  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown     000014EB5F1DF80C  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown     000014EB5F1BF8AC  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown
libvtkRenderingOp  000014EB4B1570E3  _ZN16vtkShaderPro     Unknown  Unknown
libvtkRenderingOp  000014EB4B15851C  _ZN16vtkShaderPro     Unknown  Unknown
libvtkRenderingOp  000014EB4B0ED4AF  _ZN20vtkOpenGLSha     Unknown  Unknown
libvtkRenderingOp  000014EB4B0ECC22  _ZN20vtkOpenGLSha     Unknown  Unknown
libvtkRenderingOp  000014EB4B0C3616  _ZN23vtkOpenGLPol     Unknown  Unknown
libvtkRenderingOp  000014EB4B049DEF  _ZN30vtkOpenGLBat     Unknown  Unknown
libvtkRenderingOp  000014EB4B047E92  _ZN30vtkOpenGLBat     Unknown  Unknown
libvtkRenderingOp  000014EB4B047C6D  _ZN30vtkOpenGLBat     Unknown  Unknown
libvtkRenderingOp  000014EB4B047928  _ZN30vtkOpenGLBat     Unknown  Unknown
libvtkRenderingCo  000014EB488F03DA  _ZN26vtkComposite     Unknown  Unknown
libvtkRenderingOp  000014EB4B045631  _ZN14vtkOpenGLAct     Unknown  Unknown
libvtkRemotingVie  000014EB5CB12076  _ZN13vtkPVLODActo     Unknown  Unknown
libvtkRemotingVie  000014EB5CB1217F  _ZN13vtkPVLODActo     Unknown  Unknown
libvtkRenderingCo  000014EB489764B7  _ZN11vtkRenderer2     Unknown  Unknown
libvtkRenderingOp  000014EB4B0E6320  _ZN17vtkOpenGLRen     Unknown  Unknown
libvtkRemotingVie  000014EB5CC0A58A  _ZN20vtkIceTCompo     Unknown  Unknown
libvtkRemotingVie  000014EB5CC09C32  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown
libvtkIceTCore-pv  000014EB5ED1E7D4  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown
libvtkIceTCore-pv  000014EB5ED1EBB9  icetGetCompressed     Unknown  Unknown
libvtkIceTCore-pv  000014EB5ED2B2ED  icetSequentialCom     Unknown  Unknown
libvtkIceTCore-pv  000014EB5ED18310  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown
libvtkRemotingVie  000014EB5CC09187  _ZN20vtkIceTCompo     Unknown  Unknown
libvtkRenderingOp  000014EB4B002054  _ZN13vtkCameraPas     Unknown  Unknown
libvtkRenderingOp  000014EB4B0E5A2E  _ZN17vtkOpenGLRen     Unknown  Unknown
libvtkRenderingCo  000014EB489753EB  _ZN11vtkRenderer6     Unknown  Unknown
libvtkRenderingCo  000014EB4897D10F  _ZN21vtkRendererC     Unknown  Unknown
libvtkRenderingCo  000014EB4896C9F1  _ZN15vtkRenderWin     Unknown  Unknown
libvtkRenderingCo  000014EB4896C7D2  _ZN15vtkRenderWin     Unknown  Unknown
libvtkRenderingOp  000014EB4B0E4047  _ZN21vtkOpenGLRen     Unknown  Unknown
libvtkRenderingOp  000014EB4B0270F8  _ZN28vtkGenericOp     Unknown  Unknown
libvtkRemotingVie  000014EB5CB4D577  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown
libvtkRemotingVie  000014EB5CB31213  _ZN15vtkPVRenderV     Unknown  Unknown
libvtkRemotingVie  000014EB5CB30534  _ZN15vtkPVRenderV     Unknown  Unknown
libvtkRemotingApp  000014EB65360CCE  _Z22vtkPVRenderVi     Unknown  Unknown
libvtkRemotingCli  000014EB6ADEB076  _ZN26vtkClientSer     Unknown  Unknown
libvtkRemotingCli  000014EB6ADE9BA9  _ZN26vtkClientSer     Unknown  Unknown
libvtkRemotingCli  000014EB6ADE92D6  _ZN26vtkClientSer     Unknown  Unknown
libvtkRemotingCli  000014EB6ADE919D  _ZN26vtkClientSer     Unknown  Unknown
libvtkRemotingSer  000014EB6BE3A3F5  _ZN16vtkPVSession     Unknown  Unknown
libvtkRemotingSer  000014EB6BE3A133  _ZN16vtkPVSession     Unknown  Unknown
libvtkRemotingSer  000014EB6BE3764F  _ZN16vtkPVSession     Unknown  Unknown
libvtkRemotingVie  000014EB5CBE65C1  _ZN14vtkSMViewPro     Unknown  Unknown
libvtkRemotingVie  000014EB5CBAD431  _ZN20vtkSMRenderV     Unknown  Unknown
libvtkRemotingVie  000014EB5CBE72B0  _ZN14vtkSMViewPro     Unknown  Unknown
libvtkRemotingVie  000014EB5CBE7121  _ZN14vtkSMViewPro     Unknown  Unknown
libvtkRemotingVie  000014EB5CBE8C60  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown
libvtkRemotingVie  000014EB5CBE82D0  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown
libvtkRemotingVie  000014EB5CBE702D  _ZN14vtkSMViewPro     Unknown  Unknown
libvtkRemotingVie  000014EB5CBB7EFA  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown
libvtkRemotingVie  000014EB5CBB65F3  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown
libvtkRemotingVie  000014EB5CBB2C2C  _ZN24vtkSMSaveScr     Unknown  Unknown
libvtkRemotingVie  000014EB5CB97325  _ZN28vtkSMImageEx     Unknown  Unknown
libvtkRemotingVie  000014EB5CB963CB  _ZN28vtkSMImageEx     Unknown  Unknown
libvtkRemotingVie  000014EB5CB95FA9  _ZN28vtkSMImageEx     Unknown  Unknown
libvtkRemotingSer  000014EB6BE9A394  _ZN23vtkSMExtract     Unknown  Unknown
libvtkRemotingSer  000014EB6BE9A5DE  _ZN23vtkSMExtract     Unknown  Unknown
libvtkPVPythonCat  000014EB664B18CD  _ZN25vtkCPPythonS     Unknown  Unknown
libvtkPVInSitu-pv  000014EB6C52CE31  _ZN29vtkInSituIni     Unknown  Unknown
libvtkPVInSitu-pv  000014EB6C52C6C3  _ZN29vtkInSituIni     Unknown  Unknown
libcatalyst-parav  000014EB6C748908  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown

This is the first thing I would try: Set your view size and your png/jpeg writer resolution to the same size, and make that size something simple (like 800x800). I’ve had issues with mesa when trying to render arbitrarily sized images.

Okay. I did what you suggested. I set the view resolution 800x800 and then I set 800x800 in the PNG extractor but still failing with the same error. Here is my script for your reference,

# script-version: 2.0
# Catalyst state generated using paraview version 5.13.0
import paraview
paraview.compatibility.major = 5
paraview.compatibility.minor = 13

#### import the simple module from the paraview
from paraview.simple import *
#### disable automatic camera reset on 'Show'

# ----------------------------------------------------------------
# setup views used in the visualization
# ----------------------------------------------------------------

# get the material library
materialLibrary1 = GetMaterialLibrary()

# Create a new 'Render View'
renderView1 = CreateView('RenderView')
renderView1.ViewSize = [800, 800]
renderView1.AxesGrid = 'Grid Axes 3D Actor'
renderView1.StereoType = 'Crystal Eyes'
renderView1.CameraPosition = [-4.0060346228498505, 1.7522409174735822, 3.386611551696771]
renderView1.CameraViewUp = [0.35569682063197366, 0.9325590102732291, -0.06175325214530086]
renderView1.CameraFocalDisk = 1.0
renderView1.CameraParallelScale = 1.7320312274193919
renderView1.LegendGrid = 'Legend Grid Actor'
renderView1.PolarGrid = 'Polar Grid Actor'
renderView1.BackEnd = 'OSPRay raycaster'
renderView1.OSPRayMaterialLibrary = materialLibrary1


# ----------------------------------------------------------------
# setup view layouts
# ----------------------------------------------------------------

# create new layout object 'Layout #1'
layout1 = CreateLayout(name='Layout #1')
layout1.AssignView(0, renderView1)
layout1.SetSize(800, 800)

# ----------------------------------------------------------------
# restore active view
# ----------------------------------------------------------------

# ----------------------------------------------------------------
# setup the data processing pipelines
# ----------------------------------------------------------------

# create a new 'XML Partitioned Dataset Reader'
atm = XMLPartitionedDatasetReader(registrationName='atm', FileName=['/Users/turuncu/Desktop/atm_000001.vtpd'])

# ----------------------------------------------------------------
# setup the visualization in view 'renderView1'
# ----------------------------------------------------------------

# show data from atm
atmDisplay = Show(atm, renderView1, 'UnstructuredGridRepresentation')

# get 2D transfer function for 'inst_merid_wind_height10m'
inst_merid_wind_height10mTF2D = GetTransferFunction2D('inst_merid_wind_height10m')

# get color transfer function/color map for 'inst_merid_wind_height10m'
inst_merid_wind_height10mLUT = GetColorTransferFunction('inst_merid_wind_height10m')
inst_merid_wind_height10mLUT.TransferFunction2D = inst_merid_wind_height10mTF2D
inst_merid_wind_height10mLUT.RGBPoints = [-20.987979915595936, 0.231373, 0.298039, 0.752941, 0.3886593237670084, 0.865003, 0.865003, 0.865003, 21.765298563129953, 0.705882, 0.0156863, 0.14902]
inst_merid_wind_height10mLUT.ScalarRangeInitialized = 1.0

# get opacity transfer function/opacity map for 'inst_merid_wind_height10m'
inst_merid_wind_height10mPWF = GetOpacityTransferFunction('inst_merid_wind_height10m')
inst_merid_wind_height10mPWF.Points = [-20.987979915595936, 0.0, 0.5, 0.0, 21.765298563129953, 1.0, 0.5, 0.0]
inst_merid_wind_height10mPWF.ScalarRangeInitialized = 1

# trace defaults for the display properties.
atmDisplay.Representation = 'Surface'
atmDisplay.ColorArrayName = ['CELLS', 'inst_merid_wind_height10m']
atmDisplay.LookupTable = inst_merid_wind_height10mLUT
atmDisplay.SelectNormalArray = 'None'
atmDisplay.SelectTangentArray = 'None'
atmDisplay.SelectTCoordArray = 'None'
atmDisplay.TextureTransform = 'Transform2'
atmDisplay.OSPRayScaleFunction = 'Piecewise Function'
atmDisplay.Assembly = 'Hierarchy'
atmDisplay.SelectedBlockSelectors = ['']
atmDisplay.SelectOrientationVectors = 'None'
atmDisplay.ScaleFactor = 0.2
atmDisplay.SelectScaleArray = 'None'
atmDisplay.GlyphType = 'Arrow'
atmDisplay.GlyphTableIndexArray = 'None'
atmDisplay.GaussianRadius = 0.01
atmDisplay.SetScaleArray = [None, '']
atmDisplay.ScaleTransferFunction = 'Piecewise Function'
atmDisplay.OpacityArray = [None, '']
atmDisplay.OpacityTransferFunction = 'Piecewise Function'
atmDisplay.DataAxesGrid = 'Grid Axes Representation'
atmDisplay.PolarAxes = 'Polar Axes Representation'
atmDisplay.ScalarOpacityFunction = inst_merid_wind_height10mPWF
atmDisplay.ScalarOpacityUnitDistance = 0.09092594177087275
atmDisplay.OpacityArrayName = ['CELLS', 'element_mask']
atmDisplay.SelectInputVectors = [None, '']
atmDisplay.WriteLog = ''

# init the 'Piecewise Function' selected for 'OSPRayScaleFunction'
atmDisplay.OSPRayScaleFunction.Points = [-49.2702, 0.0, 0.5, 0.0, 52.2462, 1.0, 0.5, 0.0]

# setup the color legend parameters for each legend in this view

# get color legend/bar for inst_merid_wind_height10mLUT in view renderView1
inst_merid_wind_height10mLUTColorBar = GetScalarBar(inst_merid_wind_height10mLUT, renderView1)
inst_merid_wind_height10mLUTColorBar.Title = 'inst_merid_wind_height10m'
inst_merid_wind_height10mLUTColorBar.ComponentTitle = ''

# set color bar visibility
inst_merid_wind_height10mLUTColorBar.Visibility = 1

# show color legend
atmDisplay.SetScalarBarVisibility(renderView1, True)

# ----------------------------------------------------------------
# setup color maps and opacity maps used in the visualization
# note: the Get..() functions create a new object, if needed
# ----------------------------------------------------------------

# ----------------------------------------------------------------
# setup animation scene, tracks and keyframes
# note: the Get..() functions create a new object, if needed
# ----------------------------------------------------------------

# get time animation track
timeAnimationCue1 = GetTimeTrack()

# initialize the animation scene

# get the time-keeper
timeKeeper1 = GetTimeKeeper()

# initialize the timekeeper

# initialize the animation track

# get animation scene
animationScene1 = GetAnimationScene()

# initialize the animation scene
animationScene1.ViewModules = renderView1
animationScene1.Cues = timeAnimationCue1
animationScene1.AnimationTime = 720.0
animationScene1.StartTime = 720.0
animationScene1.EndTime = 721.0

# ----------------------------------------------------------------
# setup extractors
# ----------------------------------------------------------------

# create extractor
pNG1 = CreateExtractor('PNG', renderView1, registrationName='PNG1')
# trace defaults for the extractor.
pNG1.Trigger = 'Time Step'

# init the 'PNG' selected for 'Writer'
pNG1.Writer.FileName = 'RenderView1_{timestep:06d}{camera}.png'
pNG1.Writer.ImageResolution = [800, 800]
pNG1.Writer.Format = 'PNG'

# ----------------------------------------------------------------
# restore active source
# ----------------------------------------------------------------

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Catalyst options
from paraview import catalyst
options = catalyst.Options()
options.GlobalTrigger = 'Time Step'
options.CatalystLiveTrigger = 'Time Step'

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
if __name__ == '__main__':
    from paraview.simple import SaveExtractsUsingCatalystOptions
    # Code for non in-situ environments; if executing in post-processing
    # i.e. non-Catalyst mode, let's generate extracts using Catalyst options

That’s all I had, sorry. I don’t see anything obviously wrong with your script. Maybe try removing all the opacity stuff?

Thanks for your help. I’ll try your suggestion related to the opacity. I am also creating the Catalyst script in my Mac laptop and copying over to the HPC platform which is Linux. I wonder if I need to use same installation (version and OS) to create Catalyst script?

You need version numbers to be aligned between the ParaView you used to create the script and the ParaView you use to run, but the build type won’t matter. It’s not even a absolute need. If the versions are not the same, your runtime ParaView might tell you it doesn’t know what this filter option is and throw a Python error (which is not the issue you are seeing), but it’s unlikely to cause a weird crash.

Edit: removed comment about MPI

Okay. I tried to compile paraview super build with debug and partly succeeded. I have following trace,       000014B909FA1CBB  gsignal               Unknown  Unknown       000014B909FA3355  abort                 Unknown  Unknown       000014B909FE7AE7  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown       000014B909FEFB6A  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown       000014B909FF1744  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown  000014B8DB8B32CE  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown  000014B8DB7F3C2E  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown  000014B8DB4345C7  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown
libvtkRenderingOp  000014B8C73748AC  _ZN9vtkShader7Com     Unknown  Unknown
libvtkRenderingOp  000014B8C7376842  _ZN16vtkShaderPro     Unknown  Unknown
libvtkRenderingOp  000014B8C730C27F  _ZN20vtkOpenGLSha     Unknown  Unknown
libvtkRenderingOp  000014B8C730B9F2  _ZN20vtkOpenGLSha     Unknown  Unknown
libvtkRenderingOp  000014B8C72E23E6  _ZN23vtkOpenGLPol     Unknown  Unknown
libvtkRenderingOp  000014B8C7268BBF  _ZN30vtkOpenGLBat     Unknown  Unknown
libvtkRenderingOp  000014B8C7266C62  _ZN30vtkOpenGLBat     Unknown  Unknown
libvtkRenderingOp  000014B8C7266A3D  _ZN30vtkOpenGLBat     Unknown  Unknown
libvtkRenderingOp  000014B8C72666F8  _ZN30vtkOpenGLBat     Unknown  Unknown
libvtkRenderingCo  000014B8C4AE733A  _ZN26vtkComposite     Unknown  Unknown
libvtkRenderingOp  000014B8C7264401  _ZN14vtkOpenGLAct     Unknown  Unknown
libvtkRemotingVie  000014B8D8D6AE53  _ZN13vtkPVLODActo     Unknown  Unknown
libvtkRemotingVie  000014B8D8D6AF5F  _ZN13vtkPVLODActo     Unknown  Unknown
libvtkRenderingCo  000014B8C4B6CEA7  _ZN11vtkRenderer2     Unknown  Unknown
libvtkRenderingOp  000014B8C73050F0  _ZN17vtkOpenGLRen     Unknown  Unknown
libvtkRemotingVie  000014B8D8E6296A  _ZN20vtkIceTCompo     Unknown  Unknown
libvtkRemotingVie  000014B8D8E62052  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown
libvtkIceTCore-pv  000014B8DAF8C1A4  generateTile             2893  image.c
libvtkIceTCore-pv  000014B8DAF8C589  icetGetCompressed        2244  image.c
libvtkIceTCore-pv  000014B8DAF98ED8  icetSequentialCom          90  sequential.c
libvtkIceTCore-pv  000014B8DAF85CE0  drawDoFrame               751  draw.c
libvtkRemotingVie  000014B8D8E615E7  _ZN20vtkIceTCompo     Unknown  Unknown
libvtkRenderingOp  000014B8C7221064  _ZN13vtkCameraPas     Unknown  Unknown
libvtkRenderingOp  000014B8C73047FE  _ZN17vtkOpenGLRen     Unknown  Unknown
libvtkRenderingCo  000014B8C4B6BDDB  _ZN11vtkRenderer6     Unknown  Unknown
libvtkRenderingCo  000014B8C4B73AFF  _ZN21vtkRendererC     Unknown  Unknown

It show some information coming from libvtkIceTCore-pv. Does this helpful to find out the issue? I’ll try to get full trace but I am not sure I could do it or not. I am also trying to build with OpenGL but since system does not have some core libraries, it could take time for me.

Okay. Definitely there is an issue in the installation. I tried with Python script in the following link,
14. Python & Batch: pvpython and pvbatch — ParaView Documentation 5.12.0 documentation

to test the installation and it is giving same error.

corrupted size vs. prev_size in fastbins
Aborted (core dumped)

I also run the same command with --verbose=9 and last part of the output is something like following,

(   2.474s) [paraview        ]vtkPVDataDeliveryManage:234      9| } 0.001 s: full resolution data migration
(   2.474s) [paraview        ]    vtkPVRenderView.cxx:1513     9| { RenderView1: StillRender
(   2.474s) [paraview        ]    vtkPVRenderView.cxx:1553     9| .   { Render(interactive=false, skip_rendering=false)
(   2.475s) [paraview        ]    vtkPVRenderView.cxx:1634     9| .   .   use_lod=0, use_distributed_rendering=0, use_ordered_compositing=0
(   2.525s) [paraview        ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:163      9| .   .   vtkTrivialProducer (0x657d9e0) execute-data-object
(   2.525s) [paraview        ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:163      9| .   .   vtkCompositePolyDataMapper (0x63c2350) execute-data-object
(   2.525s) [paraview        ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:211      9| .   .   vtkTrivialProducer (0x657d9e0) execute-information
(   2.525s) [paraview        ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:211      9| .   .   vtkCompositePolyDataMapper (0x63c2350) execute-information
(   2.525s) [paraview        ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:156      9| .   .   vtkCompositePolyDataMapper (0x63c2350) execute-update-time
(   2.525s) [paraview        ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:156      9| .   .   vtkTrivialProducer (0x657d9e0) execute-update-time
(   2.525s) [paraview        ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:199      9| .   .   vtkTrivialProducer (0x657d9e0) execute-time-dependent-information
(   2.525s) [paraview        ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:199      9| .   .   vtkCompositePolyDataMapper (0x63c2350) execute-time-dependent-information
(   2.525s) [paraview        ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:311      9| .   .   vtkCompositePolyDataMapper (0x63c2350) execute-update-extent
(   2.525s) [paraview        ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:311      9| .   .   vtkTrivialProducer (0x657d9e0) execute-update-extent
(   2.525s) [paraview        ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:248      9| .   .   vtkTrivialProducer (0x657d9e0) execute-data
(   2.525s) [paraview        ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:248      9| .   .   vtkCompositePolyDataMapper (0x63c2350) execute-data
(   2.525s) [paraview        ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:163      9| .   .   vtkTrivialProducer (0x67f2f10) execute-data-object
(   2.525s) [paraview        ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:163      9| .   .   vtkCompositePolyDataMapper (0x5fd6e80) execute-data-object
(   2.525s) [paraview        ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:211      9| .   .   vtkTrivialProducer (0x67f2f10) execute-information
(   2.525s) [paraview        ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:211      9| .   .   vtkCompositePolyDataMapper (0x5fd6e80) execute-information
(   2.525s) [paraview        ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:156      9| .   .   vtkCompositePolyDataMapper (0x5fd6e80) execute-update-time
(   2.525s) [paraview        ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:156      9| .   .   vtkTrivialProducer (0x67f2f10) execute-update-time
(   2.525s) [paraview        ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:199      9| .   .   vtkTrivialProducer (0x67f2f10) execute-time-dependent-information
(   2.525s) [paraview        ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:199      9| .   .   vtkCompositePolyDataMapper (0x5fd6e80) execute-time-dependent-information
(   2.525s) [paraview        ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:311      9| .   .   vtkCompositePolyDataMapper (0x5fd6e80) execute-update-extent
(   2.525s) [paraview        ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:311      9| .   .   vtkTrivialProducer (0x67f2f10) execute-update-extent
(   2.525s) [paraview        ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:248      9| .   .   vtkTrivialProducer (0x67f2f10) execute-data
(   2.525s) [paraview        ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:248      9| .   .   vtkCompositePolyDataMapper (0x5fd6e80) execute-data

So, it is nice to have this test since I could test different installations easily.