I have been testing paraview 5.11.0-RC1 under linux, building it with the superbuild.
I have found that when building it with the internal MPI mpich version that while mpich is built correctly,
it is not properly installed.
Here is what is installed in bin and lib by the superbuild
installation_path/5.11.0-RC1_osmesa> ls bin/mpi*
installation_path/5.11.0-RC1_osmesa> ls lib/libmpi*
lib/libmpichcxx.so lib/libmpicxx.so lib/libmpicxx.so.12.1.11 lib/libmpi.so.12
lib/libmpich.so lib/libmpicxx.so.12 lib/libmpi.so lib/libmpi.so.12.1.11
while here is what was built and should be installed in bin and lib by the superbuild
build_path/Build_5.11.0-RC1_osmesa/install> ls bin/mpi*
bin/mpic++ bin/mpicc bin/mpichversion bin/mpicxx bin/mpiexec bin/mpiexec.hydra bin/mpif77 bin/mpif90 bin/mpifort bin/mpirun bin/mpivars
build_path/Build_5.11.0-RC1_osmesa/install> ls lib/libmpi*
lib/libmpichcxx.so lib/libmpicxx.la lib/libmpicxx.so.12.1.11 lib/libmpifort.so.12 lib/libmpi.so
lib/libmpichf90.so lib/libmpicxx.so lib/libmpifort.la lib/libmpifort.so.12.1.11 lib/libmpi.so.12
lib/libmpich.so lib/libmpicxx.so.12 lib/libmpifort.so lib/libmpi.la lib/libmpi.so.12.1.11
Joe Hennessey