Issue with Reading and Storing Data from AMR Simulation Files

Hello, (2.9 KB)

I am writing to you because I have an issue with reading simulation files containing AMR (Adaptive Mesh Refinement).

I have a series of files representing each stored time step for a 2D domain. I want to store the data along a given line where the mesh changes based on the imposed criterion.

To achieve this, I automate data storage using “pvbatch,” but I only store data based on the initially imposed mesh (Nx), even though it is adaptive.

My question is as follows: Is there a way to store data based on the mesh of each stored time step?

I have attached the Python script.

Thank you in advance for your help.

Welcome @bazharz !

Please share your data. It will be helpful to help you.

Please find in this link the initial case and the case with AMR.