Issues with getIconType


I hva a grievous problem

  QString getIconType(pqOutputPort* port) const
    if (port->getSource()->property("INSITU_EXTRACT").toBool())
      return PipelineModelIconType::INSITU_EXTRACT;
    else if (port->getSourceProxy()->HasAnnotation("CINEMA"))
      return PipelineModelIconType::CINEMA_MARK;
    else if (pqLiveInsituManager::isWriterParametersProxy(port->getSourceProxy()))
      return PipelineModelIconType::DATA_EXTRACTOR;

    QString iconType =
      this->Controller->GetPipelineIcon(port->getSourceProxy(), port->getPortNumber());
    if (!iconType.isEmpty())
      return iconType;

    return PipelineModelIconType::GEOMETRY;

Here port = nullptr, and I dont get what the hell is happening

To me, it seems like problem could be in XML only, since this is the only thing I edited since successful build and launch.
What could be the trouble with XML?
