Lagrangian Particle Tracker Integration Settings


I am using the lagrangian particle filter to track particles through a laminar but chaotic flow, where boundaries cause many of the stream lines in a stream tracer filter to terminate prematurely through collisions. I have gotten the LPT to “work” ie, bounce of boundaries. However, I am a bit confused on some of the settings and keeping the trajectories stable. Every time I increase the viscosity or decrease the diameter (playing with the response time), at some point everything goes completely unstable - however using larger response times obviously has the problem of particle trajectories not accurately following the fluid. Does the LPT.step control the time step? It does not seem to allow for increased stability. I am using defaults Runge Kutta 4/5 integration, static cell locator, current cell velocity. What are settings that I can play with to allow for better trajectories?

This is a spatial step, not a time step

I am using defaults Runge Kutta 4/5 integration, static cell locator, current cell velocity.
RK2 will use a static step instead of RK4/5 using varying step.

What are settings that I can play with to allow for better trajectories?

Please share your data. Which model are you using ?