Hi, I’m quite new here. First of all, lidarview is a great tool, thanks for developing it for free!
For me the killer feature is SLAM and the ability to Aggregate points on a trajectory. This way it’s easy to bulid maps, etc.
Bud sadly to this day I had no luck making any LAS files form PCAPs because when I run Aggregate points from Trajectory, LidarView 5 & 5.0.1 suddenly just quits / crashes! No warnings, no logs, no nothing!
The window dissapears and I can start over but same thing happen every time.
I tested this on two diffrent PCs, one with Win10(Intel cpu) and one with Win11(AMD cpu), both 64 bit Prof. Edition with 64GB system ram and lots of disk space and Nvidia 3080 Gpu.
The dataset I was using is the demo dataset from lidarview Velodyne VLP-16. The SLAM process runs flawlessly and I can even use “Temporal Transform Applier” to view a hires version of the pointcloud. But when it comes to save a LAS file through Aggregate points from Trajectory applied to the Frame node, it just crashes.
That is… sometimes when I try to aggregate just a few frames, let"s say under 50 frames and if I got lucky the process goes through and I can save the LAS file. So I know I do every step right from the YouTube tutorial.
I checked, I have plenty of free memory, more than 32gb free.
Did anyone faced these problem? I searched throuh this forum but I didn’ find any answers to my problem. 
Does anyone from the dev. team can give an oppinion on this behaavior?
Thanks in advance!
Hi @Lehel_Seres,
Thank you for reporting this issue.
We did fix it in this MR and it should be available in the nightly (master) packages tomorrow, available here. (click on Download artifacts
A workaround for the v5.0.1
version would be to save your trajectory in .poses
format, reset LidarView with ctrl+r
, reload the .poses saved, your .pcap, apply the AggregatePointsFromTrajectoryOnline
filter and press play
Hope this helps,
Timothée Couble
Hi Timothée!
Thanks for the fast reply!
I downloaded the mentioned Nightly Build:
( #425762
and also tried your suggestion about the workaround.
Sadly nothing changed.
The symptoms are the same, immideate crash. 
I really would like to understand the source of the crash. What could be the cause? It seems it’s not a cpu or memory constraint.
Is it a simple bug in the code and in time it will be fixed? Were you aware of this bug?
You mentioned in your reply that you indeed fixed this bug, but was this the same problem?
Can you replicate this bug on your systems? Maybe I done something wrong with my OS environment that causes the problem.
It’s strange that nobody else is complaining about this.
Any suggestion is welcome!
Well, after many hours of testing and thinkering with differnt PC/Win version combinations I realised that this is a huge SW bug and the Nightly Superbuilds are also affected, BUT! Only on windows.
I installed WSL2 VM linux subsystem on Win11 and after an hour of sruggle I managed to start Lidarview on Windows under the VM.
I can report that the bug this topic is about is non existing in the Linux version.
So for me the problem is solved
But it’s a pitty that the devs can’t get rid of this bug since V5 release. 
Anyways, I hope they will have the time in the future to debug this and than we will be happy again!
Closing notes: Thank to all Devs who’s working hard on lidarview, you are making a one of a kind amazing software!
Marry Xmas to you all!
Hi Lehel,
Thanks for reporting and documenting the issue ! I confirm that I can also reproduce it.
This is now tracked in this Gitlab issue.
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Hi Lehel,
This issue was a ParaView / vtk bug.
It is now fixed in LidarView master, it will be available in the nightly packages tomorrow.
Best regards,
I can confirm that windows version is working now fine! I tested the latest version of the Superbuild.
Thank you very much for your hard work! You rock!
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