LidarView and Slam help


I am an archaeologst trying to map some of sites I am working on and I would like to ask you for some information or advice and instructions on how to solve a problem that regularly happens while working with SLAM in Lidarview 4.15. While processing data (recorded by Velodyne VLP 16 while traveling on foot) in Lidarview with SLAM filter, what happens is that trajectory regularly doesn’t line up in the direction of real movement and it doesn’t compile correctly but almost randomly frame by frame. I have tried using both default SLAM setting, as well as SLAM setting suggested in the video How to make SLAM with LidarView. Is ther esome way (with or without help of gps) to define that slam is done according to gps position orientation line? And if there is some other way to solve this problem?

If need be, I can provide some of my datasets if that could help with identification of problem.

These guys here ACFR, they are the experts on SLAM.