I’m having a ParaView state saved as .pvsm gives correct position of colorbars and other elements. However, when the same state is stored and loaded as a .py script the colorbars get misplaced. What is the issue? (version: ParaView 5.10.1)
I’m putting in the relevant images. Loading .pvsm state:
Later finding:
The placement of the colorbars become consistent when the .py script is loaded and generated in ParaView 5.11.0 version compared to the inconsistencies in 5.10.1 version. However, the font sizes are still in-consistent and don’t give identical results. As a result of this, parts of the text get cut off at the edges. Also, most likely because of this, same issues happen for Catalyst python states as well. Can someone more experienced in the community help me fix this issue? Here is the screenshot of what happens on loading the .py state script in ParaView 5.11.0: