Loading Paraview state files across different machines and versions


I saved a state file on PV 5.7 on my work machine, but trying to open the state file on PV 5.10 on my personal machine. The code I’m using is only compatible with PV5.7 but incompatible with any newer or older generation of PV. The computer I’m using has the M1 chip, so I’m unable to use PV 5.7.

I can open the state file on PV 5.10 on my work machine, but I can’t open it on PV 5.10 on my personal machine. I get the following error (attached as a text file). I’ve also attached my state file if it’s possible to recreate the crash. Thanks again

Finally, I read this discussion but I couldn’t implement the proposed solution

grid-test.pvsm (235.4 KB)
20231118_crashReport.txt (119.3 KB)

Are your work and personal machines running the same OS? What’s the folder structure?

Error opening file /hddscratch/zwong32/TESLA/nozzle_trial1/grid_tests/500_200/spongeLayers/none/in_case/grid.xmf

Please share your data as well.

@mwestphal Wouldn’t storing a relative path in the state file, where possible, be preferred in this case? Perhaps it could be something for the hackathon.