Manipulation of field files

I am trying to manipulate field files generated from spectral element solver NEKO (successor of NEK5000). I need a Cp vs x/c plot but I cannot identify the surface of the airfoil. Can you suggest if Paraview can manipulate field files (field0 and nek5000) to get this processing done.

Do let me know if you need any other info.

Folder structure:

Thank you

please share your data

I could not give the exact simulation as its too large. There is a similar one done with a coarser resolution.

PlotOverIntersectionCurve should be what you are looking for:

Here is a statefile:
state.pvsm (653.0 KB)

Thank you. I will look into it


Just a follow up question:
Can I know if it is possible to extract reynolds stresses, overall lift, drag from fields?

Thank you