Material and OSPRay

Hi everyone,

I carry on with my attempts to make my rendering look fancy. Lately, I got some impressive results using OSPRay with the pathtracer renderer. I saw that the materials where defined in a json file. I successfully added some basic material variation, like variation of the “Thin glass” with a different color.

However, I am now trying to play with the other settings so I could have finer control over reflection etc …
I thought I would create a new “Principled” material that would mimic what “Thin glass” is doing, but I am unable to find the equivalent settings that I should set in the JSON file.

Where can I find this type of information ?

I other word, how can I reproduce the “ThinGlass” material using a new “Principled” that I would later on fine-tune to my purpose ?

Thanks in advance!

thin and thickness attributes are missing in ParaView OSPRay mapping.
I’ve added them locally and made some tests (and I’ve created a MR here :

Here are my results (ThinGlass on left, Principled on right) :

The materials file is

      "family" : "OSPRay",
      "version" : "0.0",
      "materials" : {
          "glass_Principled": {
            "type": "Principled",
            "doubles" : {
              "ior" : [1.5],
              "thin" : [1.0],
              "transmission" : [1.0],
              "transmissionColor" : [0.85, 0.95, 1.0]
          "glass_ThinGlass": {
            "type": "ThinGlass",
            "doubles" : {
              "attenuationColor" : [0.85, 0.95, 1.0]
