Merge Blocks of a Tecplot .plt file


I’m a new here. I ran a CFD simulation and exported the result into Tecplot format (.plt). When I load the .plt file in Paraview, two different mesh zones are recognized and the Point Arrays of interest (x, y, z velocity components, and cell volume) are separated.


I want to merge these two blocks, eliminating the points in common. I tried with the Merge Blocks filter and obtained a unique mesh (the common points have been merged) but the Point Arrays are not merged and they completely disappear.

How can I merge also the arrays? Hope to have been clear enough.

Maybe this issue can be addressed easily, but I haven’t found any solutions.


Its very clear but merge blocks should merge the arrays too.


Nevermind, the arrays are not on all blocks, What do you expect to have in the blocks that do not have arrays ?

Actually, both blocks have the same arrays (x, y, z coordinates; x, y, z velocity components; cell volume) but the names are different.

Arrays of zone 2 start with the prefix “zone2/”, while those of zone 1 don’t.

Then you should be able to rename the arrays using RenameArrays filter, Calculator may also be an option here.

Okay, now the Merge Block filter is working. I renamed the arrays of zone 2 with the same names as those of zone 1 using the RenameArrays filter.

I had already tried before to do this with Calculator but had not succeeded.

Thank you!!!

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Hi, I am also facing this issue, but I am unable replicate what you did. Could you explain it in detail, because I cannot find the RenameArrays filter in paraview GUI.