I have a small annoying issue with the visualization of openfoam cases when they are decomposed. If this is the case, when we only load the internalMesh and set a transparency (or also use the feature edges representation) the boundaries of the processors are shown:
which are not pleasant to see and would like to not show them for my presentations. the only ‘solution’ that I have found for the moment is to load something else more than the internalMesh (such as a patch) and then use merge blocks on the foam reader filter. but would like to find out if there is any way to not need to load any patches or extra data, simply a filter (or a setting) that will make disapear the processor boundaries;
Hello mathieu,
thanks for the answer, clean filter looks like it is not available when I try to do over the filter of the openfoam reader. on the other side, cleanToGrid works, and gives the expected result but I have two questions:
I did not find any “merge points” property in the filter, not even with the toggled advanced properties. I missunderstood something in your message? or it is missing? or it was for the clean filter?
any data modification that I should know about of using this filter?or that once done I can keep working with the cleanToGrid filter as if it was the filter of openfoam reader? I mean can i inject it to the my pipe line and do something like:
Hello mathieu,
I am still having troubles with the visualization, saddly i can not share the data. now that being said, in my openfoam simulation I am using a baffle inside the mesh (this are internal faces that are repeated to give different boundary conditions from each side) it is used to simulate thin walls that are simulated as they have a thickness of 0. when i do the CleantoGrid filter (shouldnt it be CleanToGrid ? ) and I use the opacity different to 1 i get strange artifacts over this baffle zone as one can see in the following image:
I tested the different fitlers you mentioned (clean, cleantoGrid and also clean cells to grid non of them solved the visual issue, any clues?