Modifying the vtk files

I have some vtk files with point data and I want to modify data over some points (changing values or may be multiplying by some factor). After modifying I want to save this as a new .vtk again. Is there a way of doing this in python or paraview. The number of points are very large (120k and even more). An example file is here.
solution0000000001.vtk (824.0 KB)



After modifying I want to save this as a new .vtk again.

File → SaveData

Thank you for your reply. How to use the calculator filter to access specific points of an array? Doesn’t it deal with the whole array?
I attached an example vtk file here. (896.3 KB)


How to use the calculator filter to access specific points of an array?

If you want to do an actual specific computation, then you should use a programmable filter.