MPIIO .pvtr format file


I have a problem with my .pvtr output. I do not know the structure following the header. It appears that the header part is correct, but the data cannot be read correctly. The error from Paraview: No available piece provides data for the following extents. A simple version of the code is:

program write_vtr_and_pvtr
  use mpi
  implicit none

  integer :: ierr, rank, size
  integer, parameter :: nx = 100, ny = 100, nz = 1
  integer :: local_nx, local_ny, local_nz
  real(8), allocatable :: rhox(:,:,:)
  character(len=256) :: vtr_filename, pvtr_filename
  integer :: i, j, k, start_x, end_x, offset
  integer(kind=MPI_OFFSET_KIND) :: disp

  call MPI_INIT(ierr)
  call MPI_COMM_RANK(MPI_COMM_WORLD, rank, ierr)
  call MPI_COMM_SIZE(MPI_COMM_WORLD, size, ierr)

  ! Determine local grid size
  local_nx = nx / size
  if (rank < mod(nx, size)) local_nx = local_nx + 1
  local_ny = ny
  local_nz = nz

  ! Determine the start and end x-coordinates for each rank
  start_x = rank * (nx / size)
  if (rank < mod(nx, size)) then
    start_x = start_x + rank
    start_x = start_x + mod(nx, size)
  end if
  end_x = start_x + local_nx - 1

  ! Allocate the data array
  allocate(rhox(local_nx, local_ny, local_nz))

  ! Initialize the data array
  rhox = 1.0 * rank

  ! Create a filename for each rank
  write(vtr_filename, '(A, I0, A)') 'output_rank', rank, '.vtr'

  ! Open the file for writing
  open(unit=10, file=vtr_filename, status='unknown')

  ! Write the VTK XML header
  write(10, '(A)') '<?xml version="1.0"?>'
  write(10, '(A)') '<VTKFile type="RectilinearGrid" version="0.1" byte_order="LittleEndian">'
  write(10, '(A,I0,A,I0,A,I0,A)') '  <RectilinearGrid WholeExtent="0 ', nx-1, ' 0 ', ny-1, ' 0 ', nz-1, '">'
  write(10, '(A,I0,A,I0,A,I0,A,I0,A)') '    <Piece Extent="', rank*local_nx, ' ', (rank+1)*local_nx-1, ' 0 ', local_ny-1, ' 0 ', local_nz-1, '">'
  write(10, '(A)') '      <PointData Scalars="scalars">'
  write(10, '(A)') '        <DataArray type="Float64" Name="rho" format="ascii">'

  ! Write the data array in ASCII format
  do k = 1, local_nz
    do j = 1, local_ny
      do i = 1, local_nx
        write(10, '(F12.8)', advance='no') rhox(i, j, k)
        if (i < local_nx) write(10, '(A)', advance='no') ' '
      end do
      write(10, '(A)')
    end do
  end do

  ! Close the DataArray and PointData sections
  write(10, '(A)') '        </DataArray>'
  write(10, '(A)') '      </PointData>'

  ! Write the coordinates in ASCII format
  write(10, '(A)') '      <Coordinates>'
  write(10, '(A)') '        <DataArray type="Float64" Name="X_COORDINATES" NumberOfComponents="1" format="ascii">'
  do i = start_x, end_x
    write(10, '(F12.8)', advance='no') real(i, 8)
    if (i < end_x) write(10, '(A)', advance='no') ' '
  end do
  write(10, '(A)') '</DataArray>'
  write(10, '(A)') '        <DataArray type="Float64" Name="Y_COORDINATES" NumberOfComponents="1" format="ascii">'
  do j = 0, local_ny-1
    write(10, '(F12.8)', advance='no') real(j, 8)
    if (j < local_ny-1) write(10, '(A)', advance='no') ' '
  end do
  write(10, '(A)') '</DataArray>'
  write(10, '(A)') '        <DataArray type="Float64" Name="Z_COORDINATES" NumberOfComponents="1" format="ascii">'
  write(10, '(A)') '        0'
  write(10, '(A)') '</DataArray>'
  write(10, '(A)') '      </Coordinates>'
  write(10, '(A)') '    </Piece>'
  write(10, '(A)') '  </RectilinearGrid>'
  write(10, '(A)') '</VTKFile>'

  ! Close the file

  ! Wait for all ranks to finish writing their .vtr files

  ! Create the .pvtr file on rank 0
  if (rank == 0) then
    pvtr_filename = 'output.pvtr'
    open(unit=20, file=pvtr_filename, status='unknown')

    write(20, '(A)') '<?xml version="1.0"?>'
    write(20, '(A)') '<VTKFile type="PRectilinearGrid" version="0.1" byte_order="LittleEndian">'
    write(20, '(A)') '  <PRectilinearGrid WholeExtent="0 99 0 99 0 0" GhostLevel="0">'
    write(20, '(A)') '    <PPointData Scalars="scalars">'
    write(20, '(A)') '      <PDataArray type="Float64" Name="rho" format="ascii"/>'
    write(20, '(A)') '    </PPointData>'
    write(20, '(A)') '    <PCellData/>'
    write(20, '(A)') '    <PCoordinates>'
    write(20, '(A)') '      <PDataArray type="Float64" Name="X_COORDINATES" NumberOfComponents="1"/>'
    write(20, '(A)') '      <PDataArray type="Float64" Name="Y_COORDINATES" NumberOfComponents="1"/>'
    write(20, '(A)') '      <PDataArray type="Float64" Name="Z_COORDINATES" NumberOfComponents="1"/>'
    write(20, '(A)') '    </PCoordinates>'

    do i = 0, size-1
      write(vtr_filename, '(A, I0, A)') 'output_rank', i, '.vtr'
      if (i < size - 1) then
       write(20, '(A,I0,A,I0,A,I0,A,A,A)') '    <Piece Extent="', i * local_nx, ' ', (i + 1) * local_nx - 1, ' 0 ', ny - 1, ' 0 0" Source="', trim(vtr_filename), '"/>'
       write(20, '(A,I0,A,I0,A,I0,A,A,A)') '    <Piece Extent="', i * local_nx, ' ', nx - 1, ' 0 ', ny - 1, ' 0 0" Source="', trim(vtr_filename), '"/>'
      end if
    end do

    write(20, '(A)') '  </PRectilinearGrid>'
    write(20, '(A)') '</VTKFile>'

  end if

  call MPI_FINALIZE(ierr)
end program write_vtr_and_pvtr

I’d suggest to not write XML manually but rely on VTK instead to write it.

Alternatively, you may be interested by the VTKHDF format (which does not support rectilinear grid yet).