Multi-user setup error selecting the color pallete


I mounted the Multi-User setup following this guide ParaViewWeb

In the client-side, first thing i do is open the file
.then(function (response) {
if (response.success) {
_this.viewId =; // save view id
valid: true
} else {
//TODO: show error message

And then, I have in another button to change in a hardcoded way the pallet color with

.then((response) => {
this.pvwClient.ColorManager.selectColorMap(this.viewId, response[0])
.then((response) => {
var foo= response;
.catch((response) => {
var bar = response;
.catch(() => {
var pepe = response;

But it always goes for the catch of the selectColorMap, it says the following

RunTime error : ‘vtkPVServerManagerCorePython.vtkSMSourceProxy’ object has no attribute ‘LookupTable’

Then I checked the code on the server side and found this

I got that from the documentation

In ParaView is in the following path

I tried different things to get some result

  1. Modify the SelectColorMap API

repProxy = self.mapIdToProxy(representation)
rep = simple.GetRepresentation(repProxy)
lutProxy = rep.GetProperty(‘LookupTable’).GetData()

But the flows goes through

“return { ‘result’: ‘Representation proxy ’ + representation + ’ is missing lookup table’ }”

  1. Modify the alwaysIncludedProperties
    in the init of ProxyManager, the alwaysIncludePropertie by default is self.alwaysIncludeProperties = [ ‘CubeAxesVisibility’]
    I modified it to put the LookUpTable to this self.alwaysIncludeProperties = [ ‘CubeAxesVisibility’,‘LookupTable’ ], but nothing happend, im getting the same error.

  2. View the properties of the rep through the log
    First, I set the debug mode on true, and then I put this lines

repProxy = self.mapIdToProxy(representation)
rep = simple.GetRepresentation(repProxy)
lutProxy = rep.GetProperty(‘LookupTable’).GetData()
for attr, value in rep.__ dict__.iteritems():
print "Attribute: " + str(attr or “”)
print "Value: " + str(value or “”)

and I get this long log file ceb332c0-c139-11e8-90a0-080027000935.txt (273.1 KB)
It has a property ““LookupTable””, but when I am getting it, I got the error

“return { ‘result’: ‘Representation proxy ’ + representation + ’ is missing lookup table’ }”

So my question is,
How do I set the LookupTable for the representation?
Which method I do have to use previously?

I don’t know what else can I do.
Im trying to set the color hardcoded and then do the same dynamically.


I tried to use the getCurrentScalarRange(this.viewId) but it catch’s the following error
‘NoneType’ object has no attribute ‘RGBPoints’", under the blue line

You need to provide the representation not the source.

The idea is when you load some data or apply a filter, you get a data source.
Then if you want to see that source in a view, you need to create a representation. Which is usually automatic here. But they are two independent proxies.

The missing part on your end is to find the proxy id of the representation that correspond to your source. You can achieve that by requesting the list of proxies with the following function call:

    def list(self, viewId=None):

This will provide you a list of all your sources along with the corresponding representation.



The proxy id that needs to be provided to the getCurrentScalarRange is the source, not the view.

Well, I tried to do the list()

To get the rep for my id, and then use it to use selectColorPallette but when I do that, I get the error
Representation 565 is missing lookup table

Also tried to use getSurfaceOpacity, it uses the same logic to get the lookup table, but it throws the following runtime error ‘NoneType’ object has no attribute 'EnableOpacityMapping’

Maybe I’m doing another wrong thing, I have all the code public in my repository

Thanks for answering, I did not expect to get an answer a Saturday night haha

I think the next issue is that you need to choose which array you want to color by first. Otherwise no LookupTable get assigned to the representation.

Try to call that first:

    def colorBy(self, representation, colorMode, arrayLocation='POINTS', arrayName='', vectorMode='Magnitude', vectorComponent=0, rescale=False):

BTW, you should rename your _this.viewId after the open call as it is truly the sourceId, not the viewId.

Hey Sebastien!

Thanks for the recommendation to rename to sourceId, I think I’m missing out a lot of concepts and doing a lot of try-error until success haha

I used the ColorBy method this way and saved all the palettes to iterate through them later

And now every time I push the button I change the palette iterating thrown the array

The response says {“result” : “success”}
but I don’t see any change
Do i have to do anything else?

The whole idea of this post is to do something similar to how Visualizer handle the colors

I believe the colorMode value ‘’ is not valid.

You should look for the ParaView guide (Free Online PDF) and read the Python section. This should give you the background that you need between Source/Representation/View and how they work together.

Then you can use Visualizer to see what kind of calls are made via the Network inspector in your browser as you can see all the frames on the WebSocket connection. That way you will see the calls that are made and with which parameters to achieve a specific action.