Hello dear Paraview developers!
I have a question of great importance. How can one get access to the algorithm upstream to the current algorithm from the widget side?
I know about
filter = vtkSrcPrxyPtr::Take(vtkSMSourceProxy::SafeDownCast(proxyManager->NewProxy("filters", "ClientServerMoveData"))
instrument to get data output of the current algorithm on the client side. However, I can’t figure out how to get access to output of the upstream algorithms. All the proxies are SOURCE proxies, and seem not to have any input ports or so.
I can imagine accessing the necessary proxies from the Active Objects, but how to then figure out which algorithm is upstream to the current? I can make 1-10 algos and then attach 11th to the 5th for example, and if I use indices to get the previous for 11th, I would then get 10th and not 5th, which is indeed desirable?
Thank You great a lot!