No CUDA-capable device is detected when using NVIDIA IndeX plugin


I am trying to use the NVIDIA IndeX plugin in Paraview.
I am on Windows11 system and downloaded ParaView-5.12.0-MPI-Windows-Python3.10-msvc2017-AMD64.msi.

Here is what the command nvidia-smi gives me:

I loaded the NVIDIA IndeX plugin on paraview but when I try to visualize something by activating the NVIDIA IndeX rendering, I end up with the following messages:

Can anybody help me solve this issue please?

Thanks for helping!

Here is the error messages I get from Paraview with more verbosity:

nvindex: Mon, 11 Mar 2024 11:00:20 +01:00   0.0   ThinkPad-JS API    db   info : Loaded "C:\Program Files\ParaView 5.12.0\bin\libdice.dll"
nvindex: Mon, 11 Mar 2024 11:00:20 +01:00   0.0   ThinkPad-JS API    misc info : DiCE 2023, build 372500.814, 15 Nov 2023, nt-x86-64
nvindex: Mon, 11 Mar 2024 11:00:20 +01:00   0.0   ThinkPad-JS PVPLN  main info : NVIDIA IndeX ParaView plugin 5.12 using NVIDIA IndeX library 2.4 (build 372500.814).
nvindex: Mon, 11 Mar 2024 11:00:23 +01:00   0.0   ThinkPad-JS INDEX  main info : NVIDIA IndeX 2.4 (build 372500.814, 15 Nov 2023, nt-x86-64-vc143) is starting up ...
nvindex: Mon, 11 Mar 2024 11:00:23 +01:00   0.0   ThinkPad-JS INDEX  main info : Using default NVIDIA IndeX license.
nvindex: Mon, 11 Mar 2024 11:00:23 +01:00   0.0   ThinkPad-JS INDEX  main info : Authenticating DiCE library with vendor key 'NVIDIA IndeX License for ParaView - IndeX:PV::v1 - 20231019 (oem:retail_cloud.20251231)'
nvindex: Mon, 11 Mar 2024 11:00:23 +01:00   0.0   ThinkPad-JS INDEX  main info : This NVIDIA IndeX license key will expire on 2025-12-31.
nvindex: Mon, 11 Mar 2024 11:00:23 +01:00   0.0   ThinkPad-JS INDEX  main info : Starting the DiCE library (DiCE 2023, build 372500.814, 15 Nov 2023, nt-x86-64) ...
nvindex: Mon, 11 Mar 2024 11:00:23 +01:00   1.0   ThinkPad-JS INDEX  main error: Could not find any valid CUDA devices, aborting.
nvindex: Mon, 11 Mar 2024 11:00:23 +01:00   1.0   ThinkPad-JS PVPLN  main error: Fatal: Could not start NVIDIA IndeX library (error code 6), see log messages above for details.
nvindex: Mon, 11 Mar 2024 11:00:23 +01:00   1.0   ThinkPad-JS PVPLN  main info : Bounding box [0 0 0; 21 21 21] is available in local memory: pv_nvindex_shm_instance_1_rank_0_timestep_0.
nvindex: Mon, 11 Mar 2024 11:00:23 +01:00   1.0   ThinkPad-JS PVPLN  main error: The NVIDIA IndeX plugin was not initialized! See the log output for details.
nvindex: Mon, 11 Mar 2024 11:00:23 +01:00   0.1   ThinkPad-JS GPU    rend info : Found 1 GPU with vendor's API.
nvindex: Mon, 11 Mar 2024 11:00:23 +01:00   0.1   ThinkPad-JS CUDA   rend warn : cudaGetDeviceCount failed with error 'no CUDA-capable device is detected'.
nvindex: Mon, 11 Mar 2024 11:00:23 +01:00   0.1   ThinkPad-JS CLUSTR net  info : Networking is switched off.

Thanks for helping guys :pray:


This is probably a general issue with the CUDA driver setup on your system. The driver version looks good, though. Is there some older driver or CUDA SDK installation on the machine that might interfere here?

Please check whether other CUDA applications (e.g. simple examples from the CUDA SDK) work. Do older versions (5.11) of ParaView show the same issue with the (included) IndeX plugin?

Since you seem to be running on a laptop: Is there another graphics adapter besides the dedicated NVIDIA GPU?

Hi Jörg,

Thanks for your reply!

I finally fixed the problem in the NVIDIA control panel, where I had to set CUDA to use the NVIDIA GPU.

All the best,
