node ordering and volume computation of quadratic wedges

Hi all,

In a recent post, an issue in linear wedges was discussed (documentation’s figures has been updated since) and I was wondering if nodes’ ordering for quadratic wedges in the documentation also needed to be corrected as I am facing the same behaviour ?

Could you please help me on that issue ?

Thank you very much

Hi all,

Following the previous message I am attaching a figure illustrating this issue.

Following the node ordering indicated in the documentation ( Fig8-21 ) and applying the cell size filter, we can clearly observe that the volume is negative and that there an issue with the documentation reference ordering as it was previously the case for linear wedge.

Could you please, as previously done, review the quadratic wedge (and others) ordering in the documentation and vtk-examples/src/Cxx/GeometricObjects/IsoparametricCellsDemo.cxx at master · Kitware/vtk-examples · GitHub code.

Thank you very much