Not responding just opening data

Hello, I’m new to Paraview.

I’m trying to open a tif image stack of CT data. I open Paraview but when I click Open to import the data it just lags and a few minutes later the Open Window appears. When I select my data, which I have downsized from 300dpi to 72dpi tiffs, so its now less than 1 GB in total size, it just stops working. (Not responding)

I have 64GB of Ram running on Windows 10
Intel(R) Core™ i9-10885H CPU @ 2.40GHz 2.40 GHz
Nvidia Quadro RTX 5000

Any help appreciated. Thank you.


Are you able to open juste a few images ?


When the open dialogue window does open I can select say one to one hundred images and they will eventually open. Opening 2000 odd will take some time. Just thought to myself this can’t be normal.


How did you install ParaView ?

I just downloaded it from the Paraview website

You can copy using the button instead of adding images.

  • Please share some data that makes ParaView lagging.
  • Please tru on another computer to see if you reproduce there as well

How would you like me to share the data?
And I’ll try on another computer when I’m back in work next week.

You can share it here if possible or an any platform like wetransfer.

Hi Mathieu,

Here you go 10% of the data.

Thank you

It opens very fast using ParaView 5.11.1 binary release on ArchLinux:

Please try on another computer or also try putting the file in another location (eg, not a network drive, a ssd drive local to the machine).

Hi Mathieu,

Data is on my local HD. I’ll try on another computer when back in work next week.
Or a fresh install. Something isn’t right, before taking the data into consideration, for it to take so long to even open the Open dialogue window, before I even get to direct it to the data.

I will let you know. Thank you for your help so far.


Good point, but that still points to a potential system issue.

I would like to add some information. I experienced a similar problem, where Paraview would take forever just to show the “Open” dialogue. It turned out the problem was a network drive that was mapped on my computer. It was mounted under Z: but wasn’t online. When I first installed Paraview and clicked “Open” it automatically added all the drives to favorites, including Z:. The next time I clicked “Open” it apparently first tried to connect to Z: and wouldn’t show the dialogue until it timed out. Bringing the drive online or removing it from favorites fixed the problem.

Thank you Saso.

I’ll take another look, but our mapped drives are online as standard. Where did you check to see what was considered “favourites” in Windows? So I can double check. Thank you.

We have tried Paraview on two other similar machines, and Open works fine in the first instance but then lags considerably from then on when trying to Open any data.


Hi, I’m currently not at the computer but the favorites are in the Paraview “Open” dialogue. They are the top left section. I removed the network drives from there and it fixed it. Perhaps check if there is any drives that might be slow to open even if they are online.

Alternatively you can delete your ParaView Settings.

I bet at least some of the issues in this thread were caused by a significant regression in 5.11.0 and 5.11.1, reported and fixed here:

If you see a significant pause even seeing the files in your directory, this is it. You can test to see if the issue is fixed with a nightly build. This fix will also be in 5.12.0 (in the next month or so), but is NOT in 5.11.2.



Deleting the drives from favourites has done the trick. Now all opens super quick.
Thank you,.