number of cell

coba.vtu (152.2 KB)

i have grid 25x25, i am confused since i visualize in paraview the number of cell not in order, its like random.
is that a problem from my VTU file ?

thank you

is that a problem from my VTU file ?

Yes probably, what are you expecting to see here ?

i using unstructure grid, as input file in my structure grid.
hope i can define correct number of cell in both of grid

You will have to be more specific.

How did you generate this ?
What is incorrect about it ?
What are you expecting to see ?

Please include screenshots.

i will couple 2 simulator base on matlab and open source code, my simulator use structured grid assume i choose cell no 105 consist of pressure and temperature.

that is input file from OGS but he read my number cell is 504. by using reflection hope my case will solved. but i am realize that my VTU is problem, so the number of cell not in order.

my purpose is if i define cell number 105 in structure grid is same in unstructured grid