My goal is to volume render 3d data of a regional atmophere model wrapped around the globe.
The network is relatively simple:
0.) As a replacement for the Earth I take a Sphere module and shade it green. Radius = 63500
1.) I read in a file with the standard NetCDF Reader (as structured data) and keep the setting Spherical Projection.
I set Vertical Scale to 200 and Vertical Bias to 63700
2.) I scale the data to have the right units (calculator module).
3.) The result of the calculator module is rendered as an outline of the 3D field.
4.) I select only cells that have values above 0.001 (threshold module) and volume render them with Nvidia Index:
On this screenshot, a part of the volume rendering appears to be outside of the field’s outline. However, when I rotate the view, I notice that the index’ volume rendering doesn’t take the sphere into account. The part of the rendering that should be hidden behind the sphere is rendered above it.
Question: I thought that Nvidia Index should allow for volume rendering mixed with other visual elements?
Here the state file:
Index_Test_pv513.pvsm (1.0 MB)