open pqColorOpacityEditorWidget in c++ custom application

hi all,

how can I use existing paraview widget in my custom application? E.g. is is possibile to open and use the pqColorOpacityEditorWidget ?

is is possibile to open and use the pqColorOpacityEditorWidget ?

Yes, just include the file and use it ? You will need of course to build and link against ParaView.


what are the meaning of the parameter in the constructor?

pqColorOpacityEditorWidget(vtkSMProxy* proxy, vtkSMPropertyGroup* smgroup, QWidget* parent = **nullptr**);

the pqColorOpacityEditorWidget is intended to be used with a proxy and a group of properties of this proxy with specific names. You should have both of these to pass to it in the constructor.

Thanks again,

which proxy I need to pass? The one from my DataRepresentation?
Which group of property I need to pass?

See pqStandardPropertyWidgetInterface::createWidgetForPropertyGroup