opening series files using "--data" command line option failed

Hi all, I got a problem when opening series files using the “–data” command line option.
Problem: Suppose two data files named “my0.vtk” and “my1.vtk” exist in the folder “test”. The command “paraview --data=test/my…vtk” yields error messages:

critical: In unknown, line 0
critical: Cannot open data file " “test/my…vtk” "

However, the command “paraview --data=test/my0.vtk” or “paraview --data=test/my1.vtk” works well. Other information which might be useful:
OS: Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS
ParaView Version: 5.11.1-1529-g31dbe2d683
How is ParaView installed: I followed this

As documented in the --help, the syntax is like this:

paraview --data=test/my..vtk

Works fine here.

Thank you for your reply! I’m sorry there are typos in my description. The command I used is paraview --data=test/my..vtk (with two dots) and the error messages are

critical: In unknown, line 0
critical: Cannot open data file " “test/my…vtk” "

In fact, I followed the --help but it doesn’t work. It’s so weird.

Please share your .vtk data.

Sure, here it is.

my0.vtk (3.2 MB)
my1.vtk (3.3 MB)

./bin/paraview --data=~/data/tmp/my..vtk

works perfectly with ParaView 5.11.1 binary release on ArchLinux.

Thank you so much! I tried the binary release and it works!