ParaView Async


I git cloned ParaView Async, ParaView, and Trame onto VSCode. I am looking to use ParaView Async to connect a simultaneous 2D and 3D visualization which when sweeped over the 3D visualization can highlight the appropriate parts of the 2D visualization. I have the 3D data and know how to access the 2D data on ParaView, but don’t know how to connect the two using Async. Can I get some help on that?


P.S. I’m completely new to Trame and Paraview and basically CS but have taken introductory CS courses. However, I can keep up

Hi @Jay_Jai

sounds like an interesting project! I would recommend to start simple by familiarizing yourself with one piece at a time.

If by “sweep” you mean hovering the mouse over then what you describe sounds linked selections see here for more. You can start by trying to build what you envision through the ParaView GUI so you can figure out what the appropriate pieces in terms of readers, filters or other high level VTK classes are.

For a number of VTK examples see here while trame examples can be found here when it comes to ParaView Async two mini apps are available here.

Note however that at the time of writing selections are not yet implemented in ParaView Async.

I was able to look through it and I wanted to use the “hover over cells” function and paste the data into the Paraview data table and graph it. I can graph the table, but I’d like help on finding/creating a function that pastes the data into the table. Any suggestions?

Thank you for your prompt response last time, Christos!

“Hover over cells” work by utilizing selections which are not yet implemented in ParaView Async.

An example similar to what you describe utilizing ParaView and trame is here.

Honestly, I emailed Sebastian and he said that ParaView Async may potentially be the way to go but I’m not limited to Async i.e.if Async doesn’t have certain features then I won’t use it.

In the link you provided, is there any real-time updates of data i.e. I hover over one cross-section of the object and it shows one histogram but when I hover over another it switches display? If not, any tips on how I can code it in Python and get it to integrate with ParaView? I think the code would be useful to a lot of ParaView users as well, so I can upload it somewhere so that it can be posted on the ParaView Github Repo.

Are you thinking of an example like that one?

I’m sorry, I’m new to ParaView and Trame. I ran this in my terminal but how do I open the example?

use pvpython from ParaView as shown in the instructions above:

<directory to ParaView>/bin/pvpython -m paraview.apps.trame --trame-app pv_selection

Once launched the browser should open automatically. Also, the command above will show a url of the form https://localhost:<port> that if you click you can launch the browser with the application.