Paraview Crashes | Debug FIlters in Paraview

Is there a way to debug in Paraview. I am creating a custom filter which is a combination of calculator and glyph filters. For now I have just added calculator filter.
But after applying my new filter when I click “Apply” Paraview crashes, is there a way to debug what’s going wrong?

I am running Paraview from my directory using this command:

paraview.exe -l=C:\Users\msaad\paraview.log,TRACE

But log files does not show details of debug. This is the snapshot of the log file when I click “Apply”

(  93.967s) [paraview        ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:207      9| .   .   vtkPVPostFilter (000002019C4846C0) execute-time-dependent-information
(  93.967s) [paraview        ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:319      9| .   .   vtkPVPostFilter (000002019C4846C0) execute-update-extent
(  93.967s) [paraview        ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:319      9| .   .   vtkMyForceFilter (0000020187A74EE0) execute-update-extent
(  93.968s) [paraview        ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260      9| .   .   vtkMyForceFilter (0000020187A74EE0) execute-data
(  93.968s) [paraview        ]   vtkSISourceProxy.cxx:306      9| .   .   { MyForce1: execute

Here is my header file, if that can help in debugging. For now I have commented out vtkPVGlyphFilter.

#ifndef vtkMyForceFilter_h
#define vtkMyForceFilter_h

#include "ForceFiltersModule.h" //needed for exports
#include "vtkPolyDataAlgorithm.h"
#include <vtkPVArrayCalculator.h>
// #include <vtkPVGlyphFilter.h>
// #include "vtkPolyDataAlgorithm.h"
#include "vtkDataSetAlgorithm.h"
#include <string>

class FORCEFILTERS_EXPORT vtkMyForceFilter : public vtkDataSetAlgorithm
  static vtkMyForceFilter* New();

  // Wrapper methods to expose vtkPVArrayCalculator and vtkPVGlyphFilter functionalities
  vtkTypeMacro(vtkMyForceFilter, vtkDataSetAlgorithm);
  void PrintSelf(ostream& os, vtkIndent indent) override;
  void SetAttributeType(int value);
  void SetCoordinateResults(int value);
  void SetResultNormals(int value);
  void SetResultTCoords(int value);
  void SetResultArrayName(std::string value);
  void SetFunction(std::string value);
  void SetReplaceInvalidValues(int value);
  void SetReplacementValue(double value);
  void SetResultArrayType(int value);
  void SetFunctionParserTypeFromInt(int value);

  ~vtkMyForceFilter() override;

  int RequestData(vtkInformation *, vtkInformationVector **, vtkInformationVector *) override;

  vtkMyForceFilter(const vtkMyForceFilter&) = delete;
  void operator=(const vtkMyForceFilter&) = delete;

  vtkSmartPointer<vtkPVArrayCalculator> ArrayCalculator;
//   vtkSmartPointer<vtkPVGlyphFilter> GlyphFilter;


And here is the RequestData function of my .cxx file:

int vtkMyForceFilter::RequestData(
    vtkInformation* request,
    vtkInformationVector** inputVector,
    vtkInformationVector* outputVector)
    if (!this->ArrayCalculator)
        vtkErrorMacro("Filters not set up properly.");
        return 0;
    // Get input and output data objects
    vtkDataObject* inputData = vtkDataObject::GetData(inputVector[0], 0);
    vtkSmartPointer<vtkDataObject> input = inputData->NewInstance();

    // vtkDataObject* input = vtkDataObject::GetData(inputVector[0], 0);
    vtkDebugMacro("Input: " << *input);

    if (!input)
        vtkErrorMacro("Input is invalid.");
        return 0;


    // Create a new output information vector for the vtkPVArrayCalculator
    vtkInformationVector* arrayCalcOutputVector = vtkInformationVector::New();
    vtkDataObject* arrayCalcOutput = vtkDataObject::GetData(inputVector[0]);
    arrayCalcOutputVector->SetInformationObject(0, arrayCalcOutput->GetInformation());

    vtkDebugMacro("ArrayCalculator Function: " << this->ArrayCalculator->GetFunction());

    // Call the vtkPVArrayCalculator's ProcessRequest with REQUEST_DATA key
    this->ArrayCalculator->ProcessRequest(request, inputVector, arrayCalcOutputVector);
    // vtkDebugMacro("vtkPVArrayCalculator output: " << *arrayCalcOutput);

    // Set up the input for vtkPVGlyphFilter
    // vtkInformationVector** glyphInputVector = new vtkInformationVector*[1];
    // glyphInputVector[0] = arrayCalcOutputVector;

    // Call the vtkPVGlyphFilter's ProcessRequest with REQUEST_DATA key
    // this->GlyphFilter->ProcessRequest(request, glyphInputVector, outputVector);

    // vtkDataObject* glyphOutput = vtkDataObject::GetData(outputVector, 0);
    // if (glyphOutput)
    // {
    //     vtkDebugMacro("vtkPVGlyphFilter output: " << *glyphOutput);
    // }
    // else
    // {
    //     vtkDebugMacro("vtkPVGlyphFilter output is invalid.");
    // }

    // Clean up
    // arrayCalcOutput->Delete();
    // arrayCalcOutputVector->Delete();
    vtkDataObject* output = vtkDataObject::GetData(outputVector, 0);

    // delete[] glyphInputVector;

    return 1;