Paraview crashes when clicking on 'Apply'


I am using a Linux-based computer (with NIVIDA GeForce RTX3070 Ti) and downloaded ParaView 5.10.1 (both with GUI and headless). Now I am trying to visualize 3D models with different composition (.vtr) with the ParaView Client. My problems:

  1. It crashes when I load the file and press on ‘Apply’
  2. or it crashes when I apply threshold or extract subset
  3. it constantly tells me that ParaView is not responding

When I launch the program in the terminal it tells me a warning:
Warning: Ignoring XDG_SESSION_TYPE=wayland on Gnome. Use QT_QPA_PLATFORM=wayland to run on Wayland anyway.
Ignoring PCI device with non-16bit domain.
Pass --enable-32bits-pci-domain to configure to support such devices
(warning: it would break the library ABI, don’t enable unless really needed)

What I already tried:

  1. to solve the warning I uncommented WaylandEnable=false in the /etc/gdm3/custom.conf and added * QT_QPA_PLATFORM=xcb in /etc/environment. After reboot I get an orange screen, so that I changed it back so the original. It tells me after using echo $XDG_SESSION_TYPE it tells me that I am using wayland. I do not know if this is important for my crashing problem.

  2. I installed libxkbcommon-dev and xcb and scb-proto and I already installed mesa-utils nothing worked.

  3. I looked at the error output of the pvlibs.log* and I get those errors:
    error: symbol lookup error: undefined symbol: kmp_set_thread_affinity_mask_initial (fatal)
    error: symbol lookup error: undefined symbol: openvkl_init_module_cpu_device (fatal)
    error: symbol lookup error: undefined symbol: openvkl_init_module_cpu_device (fatal)
    error: symbol lookup error: undefined symbol: openvkl_create_device__cpu_8 (fatal)
    error: symbol lookup error: undefined symbol: openvkl_create_device__cpu_8 (fatal)
    error: symbol lookup error: undefined symbol: __RML_open_factory (fatal)
    error: symbol lookup error: undefined symbol: __cilkrts_watch_stack (fatal)
    error: symbol lookup error: undefined symbol: __cilkrts_watch_stack (fatal)

I do not know much about ParaView and I am new in Linux. So am would be extremely glad if someone might help me. I hope that I put all needed information here. I need ParaView for my work and it is essential that I can run it on my computer. So, thank you in advance for any help!

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Hi @Sandrine

Please share the file

or it crashes when I apply threshold or extract subset

On another file ? In any case, share data to reproduce please.

it constantly tells me that ParaView is not responding

This is expected if you work with big datasets, when ParaView is working, its interface is not responding. You just need to wait. Usually the progress bar is still updated so you can know if it is hanging or actually doing some work.

thank you for answering. It happens on every .vtr file. Do you mean upload the file? I cannot upload them since they are too big (they are 3D models). However, I can say that other people reproduced similar 3D models with similar size (or even bigger) using the same ParaView version.

I can see the progress bar updating but at the end it crashes anyway.

It happens on every .vtr file.

Here is a simple .vtr file, let me know if it works for you:
cth.vtr (1.0 MB)

they are too big (they are 3D models)

Monitor your RAM usage when opening a file, usually done with htop on linux.
If you reach 100% and/or use swap, then your computer is not dimensionned to open these file and you should consider using a supercomputer or HPC.

All right, so I tried your file and it worked (CPU was ~ 80% when I pressed on apply) - thank you for that.

I also tried it with my files. And it turns out that sometimes it reaches 100% which then leads to the crash. However, it seems weird since I am using a PC with 32 GB RAM and those visualizations worked as well on 16 GB RAM laptops (without crashing) and for an other person with the same PC as I have.

CPU was ~ 80% when I pressed on apply

I’m not sure to see how this is related

However, it seems weird since I am using a PC with 32 GB RAM and those visualizations worked as well on 16 GB RAM laptops (without crashing) and for an other person with the same PC as I have.

Are you sure you are monitoring RAM usage here ? CPU usage to 100% is fine and expected.

Yes, I am sorry you are right. So I tried now again some files. Most of the time RAM is ~20%. When I press apply for the threshold it is going up to 60% or for some up to 100%. It seems that applying the threshold is the most difficult part for the PC. I guess it really depends on the RAM. I am using supercomputer too, but not yet for ParaView. I really hope it is the RAM and not something else (e.g. packages that are missing for this program). Anyway thank you for your help!

Ok, so do you have crashes without having RAM to 100% ?

It does seems so, that I have not crashes without RAM to 100%. So, this problem is really based on the computer I use. Crashes seems to occur when I have RAM to 100%. Which means I either try to minimize the RAM usage or try to run Paraview on the supercomputer. I really thank you for your help and I am glad to get an answer to my problem!

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