Is there a way to disable the download step ? Since we are using a vtk 8.0.1, we are now getting “HTTP response code said error” errors during the ExternalData downloading step.
I have set these two variables but i’m still getting errors.
FWIW the last URL that reported Couldn't connect to server does exist here. CMake should know how to follow the http-to-https redirect during download. The download should succeed.
One could turn off BUILD_TESTING completely to avoid getting any test data downloaded.
According to local testing, VTK_DATA_EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL and PARAVIEW_DATA_EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL exclude dependencies on the VTKData and ParaViewData targets except from some source packaging targets. I’d need more information about how to reproduce the problem to help further:
With what version of ParaView did you try to use VTK 8.0.1? How was the source tree prepared?
What “cmake” command line was used to generate the build tree?
What build command (e.g. “make”) was used to build it?
I am currently moving my cmake configure/build/test logic to my dashboard cmake. I am trying to replicate the ParaView flow from open.cdash
I need the BUILD_TESTING since I am testing our state file.
Is there a way to make the ExternalData step give a warning instead of producing an error. My temporary solution was to deactivate the download functions in paraview/cmake/ExternalData.cmake