Paraview "Export Animated Scene" exported .vtkjs file with wrong time order

Hi, I’m using Paraview “Export Animated Scene” to generate an .vtkjs format file. But when I load it in Kitware Glance, I noticed that the animation order is wrong.

For example, I have 151 files which name like a_0000.vtk to a_0150.vtk, and I load it in paraview as an group, then I can play it as an animation. But when I exported to .vtkjs file, It played in an wrong place, I notice that, when I load this group file, It has an default order like this image which is absolute wrong.

And when i unzip .vtkjs file and compare it to the medium file paraview maked before zip all this folder to one .vtkjs file, I notice that it’s have same data id like this, it’s very obvious that when zip to one .vtkjs format file, it must have some sort bug.

Here is my origin group files and exported .vtkjs file. (3.5 MB)
exported.vtkjs (2.6 MB)