Paraview Glance not rendering on Edge or Chrome, only on Firefox

Hello everybody!

I have following problem, namely that Paraview Glance will not render the object on Edge or Chrome, only on Firefox. I have appended both the html file I loaded in, the html file I generated the html with, and the error messages in the console of Edge. The first two errors can be easily fixed, but don’t fix the rendering problem.

Is there an update/does anyone else have this problem?

Thanks for your report, @ArmoredCat. You might want to post your issue over on the Glance GitHub project.

Can you try with the latest version of Glance (Kitware Glance)? I extracted your dataset from cube.html and it loads just fine on the latest version. The error you’re seeing was likely fixed a while back, since I see that you’re running v4.17.1.

I have the same problem, the new version doesn’t change anything. What is meant is that loading the html file in Edge or Chrome straight doesn’t load the dataset, uploading it directly to Glance works, but embedding your html file in your website prevents it from being viewable in e.g. Edge.

I can’t even build the Github project over at GitHub - Kitware/glance: Kitware Glance is an open-source web application developed at Kitware for visualizing volumetric images, molecular structures, geometric objects, and point clouds. It is part of the ParaView platform and can serve as a foundation for building custom web-based visualization applications involving ITK.js and VTK.js.

Can someone either send me the ParaViewGlance.html from npm run build:inline or tell me if I can find it at Kitware Glance

since is not found.

I have a PR up to fix the missing ParaViewGlance.html file. I’ll update this thread when that’s merged.

The latest version of Glance now has the standalone build. You can view it here: Kitware Glance