ParaView headless server crashes with OpenFOAM's non-conformal coupling interface (NCC)

OS: arch linux
paraview 5.13.1

OS: ubuntu 22.04 LTS / arch linux (tested on both systems)
paraview headless 5.13.1, downloaded from ParaView website

host command (from paraview’s bin dir):
OpenFOAM version: OpenFOAM 12, OpenFOAM Foundation version, downloaded from GitHub and installed manually

ParaView shows warnings with OpenFOAM’s new non-conformal-coupling (NCC) interface. A warning message appears from Paraview as “vtkOpenFOAMReader.cxx:8826 ERR| vtkOpenFOAMReaderPrivate …: Number of cells/points in mesh and field do not match: mesh = 0, field = 23805 in T”.
If I understand correctly the problem is related to the NCC interface, as it looks in OpenFOAM’s mesh directory in constant/polyMesh/boundary that these kind of interfaces have 0 faces. However, on these interfaces the faces will be actually generated with OpenFOAM’s command “createNonconformalCouples”, which are stored in constant/fvMesh, i.e. in a different subfolder. See more details in Using NCC in OpenFOAM | CFD Direct
The problem is that these warnings can cause segfault crash using the headless server in certain cases. I tried to narrow down the cause of this issue. It seems that for a small number of fields and/or boundaries the warning message pops up, but overall ParaView can handle the mesh. However, in case of a lot of boundaries and/or physical fields the headless server crashes with segfault. I guess it crashes because of the high number of warning messages.
I tried to create simple simulation case to highlight the issue with only one NCC boundary. In this case the simulation:
- it can be read when there is only one field
- but it crashes when there are 30 different fields and the NCC interface is selected. (The crash also happens when there are less fields but more NCC boundaries.)
I can share these sample simulation folders, if needed.

note: The crash does not happen, when the simulation is opened with the ParaView application, i.e. for me it happens only with the headless server.

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FYI @olesenm

@peth Please share your data.

The simulations are accessible here:

Steps to reproduce:

  • run paraview 5.13 headless ./pvserver
  • connect from a client
  • open simulation dir in client by selecting the foam.foam file in the folder
  • set Case Type to “Reconstructed Case”
  • set Label size to “64 bit”
  • unselect all mesh regions except one: the container/patch/container-cube

for some reason the crash now happens also with only one field, so possibly I was incorrect regarding the number of fields or boundaries. Nevertheless I upload two cases:
- one with only one field (test_cube_paraview.tar.gz)
- another one with 31 fields. These fields are just simply the duplicate of T (test_cube_paraview_morefields.tar.gz )

I reproduce the warning but not the crash, with non-distributed and distributed egl headless server 5.13.1 binary release and linux client 5.13.1 binary release.

The crash happens with the osmesa headless version. Sorry that I did not specified it before.
I tried now with the egl version and it indeed does not crash with this version. Thanks for the hint.

Another (smaller) issue with the osmesa version: when the simulation block is deleted in ParaView the client GUI closes immediately, while the server side also abruptly closes with the message:
vtkSocketCommunicator.c:774 ERR| vtkSocketCommunicator (…): Could not receive tag. 1
vtkTCPNetworkAccessMana:284 ERR| vtkTCPNetworkAccessManager (…): Some error in socket processing.
This error does not occur with the egl version.

Does the osmesa version works at all for you?

See this: I'm using Ubuntu and ParaView osmesa binary crashes on rendering

I used osmesa version with two different cases:

  • In an ubuntu 22.02 (remote) system, where I used the headless binary downloaded from paraview webpage
    here I ran: ./pvserver from its bin directory
    or in some cases parallel ./mpiexec -np 24 ./pvserver
    both of them listening on the defult port (11111)
    I connected to the system from a paraview client, which is installed in an arch linux OS
  • for investigating the crash issue I also ran the headless version on the arch linux OS, and connected locally with the client on the same machine.

I have the described issues:
- crash and the warnings with the NCC boundary,
- sudden exit after simulation block delete
- also a third one: the SaveScreenshot python command did not work on the remote system.
Other than these problems the osmesa version seemed to work, but I have not tested it yet so much.
So all in all should I use the egl version, and not osmesa as glibc version is 2.35 in my case on the ubuntu system?

Please test with the simple reproducer provided in the link above.

I tested both of the sample cases with the EGL version, and the crash did not happen in them. Thanks for the help.

one additional note: if possible, please consider adjusting ParaView’s OpenFOAM reader to the new NCC interface to avoid the warning messages at the beginning. As I have written before, although the warning message is technically true, I think the 0 face issue does not represent a problem in this case.

This is a @olesenm question