Paraview immediately crashing upon when opening a legacy vtk file created using Python

Hello all, I would like to thank you in advance for the help. I am currently attempting to visualize a group of finite elements saved in the legacy vtk file format; however, I’m running into a problem where it seems that Paraview can read in the file and adds it to the workspace but when I press apply in order to visualize the data the application immediately crashes with no error message. I’m not a very advanced Paraview user, so I hope that this question isn’t too simple. Most of my research seems to say that it is a problem with the usage of the 64bit id; however, my data files don’t seem to be that big and I am using the 64 bit version of Paraview 5.5.2 on Linux (linux mint to be exact).

You can find a copy of the input script at
I tried to upload the file but it seemed to be too large. I really appreciate any help that anyone can provide. Thank you very much.

Hi Alex,

Thanks for providing the data. The problem with your file is this line:

CELLS 15600 124800

The second number represents the size required to store the cells. It seems like this should be 156008 since all your cells have 8 points, but the array that holds the cell definitions also includes a number that says how many points are in each cell. So rather, than setting that number to 156008 = 124800, set it to 15600*(8+1) = 140400. The reader was crashing because the storage to hold the cells was too small. The reader should really warn about this, and the documentation for the CELLS size number could be improved in the VTK file formats docs.

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Thank you so much for the help. I really should have double checked the specifications for formatting vtk files. Everything is working fine now.

Alex Selimov