I am trying tu use Paraview on a Azure HPC OnDemand Platform but without succes.
Is their a special way to use Paraview on this kind of VM ?
Thank you in advance.
Best regards,
I am trying tu use Paraview on a Azure HPC OnDemand Platform but without succes.
Is their a special way to use Paraview on this kind of VM ?
Thank you in advance.
Best regards,
I am assuming you’re following these steps: Azure HPC OnDemand Platform
What issues specifically are you running into? Make sure the ParaView Home Directory
is set to point to a valid path based on your AzHOP deployment.
Hi Utkarsh !
I didn’t get this tutrial, thank you for sharing.
I have downloaded the zip for a standalone running of Paraview.
I will forward the tutorial to my IT team.
I keep you in touch !
Thanks and best regards,
The IT team told me that the Azure server is not a HPC but a “standard Azure VM”.
Does it change anything regarding the tutorial you sent me ?
Best regards,