I am trying to compile latest ParaView and hit this issue about one missing qch file. I am trying to dig this out, and before in the end switching off the documentation generation, I am wondering whether someone experienced this issue - I am using Qt 5.15.12 which used to work fine with ParaView 5.11.
I used CMAKE_GENERATOR="Visual Studio 15 2017". It worked without any trouble on another node which is less powerful
By the way, do you know who I can contact to unlock my old account and which seems to be locked due to a bug in the approach in use for double authentication ?
The Visual Studio generator isn’t really well-tested, so dependency issues like this might arise. I was unable to reproduce the issue with the Ninja generator. I’m not sure what you mean by “powerful” here.
Hmm…not sure, sorry. Is there some kind of admin contact in this account or near the login screen? Failing that, I’ll let our sysadmin team know.
there is no way to contact some administrator to unlock one account - due to the fact that the two factor authentification as it is implemented is buggy. I don’t get any authentification request on my app or on my email and this is rather frustrating . Who shall I contact ?