Paraview SIGSEGV error

Hello there

I am new to Ubuntu and OpenFoam / Paraview. I installed Openfoam and Paraview but when i try to run Paraview i get this error

ser@user-VirtualBox:~/OpenFOAM/user-11/run/pitzDailySteady$ paraFoam
Created temporary ‘pitzDailySteady.OpenFOAM’
Warning: Ignoring XDG_SESSION_TYPE=wayland on Gnome. Use QT_QPA_PLATFORM=wayland to run on Wayland anyway.
Mesa warning: failed to remap glCompressedTexImage1D
Mesa warning: failed to remap glCompressedTexImage2D
Mesa warning: failed to remap glCompressedTexImage3D
Mesa warning: failed to remap glCompressedTexSubImage1D
Mesa warning: failed to remap glCompressedTexSubImage2D
Mesa warning: failed to remap glCompressedTexSubImage3D
Mesa warning: failed to remap glGetCompressedTexImage
Mesa warning: failed to remap glLoadTransposeMatrixd
Mesa warning: failed to remap glLoadTransposeMatrixf
Mesa warning: failed to remap glMultTransposeMatrixd
Mesa warning: failed to remap glMultTransposeMatrixf
Mesa warning: failed to remap glSampleCoverage
Mesa warning: failed to remap glBlendFuncSeparate
Mesa warning: failed to remap glFogCoordPointer
Mesa warning: failed to remap glFogCoordd
Mesa warning: failed to remap glFogCoorddv
Mesa warning: failed to remap glMultiDrawArrays

Mesa: User error: GL_INVALID_OPERATION in unsupported function called (unsupported extension or deprecated function?)

Loguru caught a signal: SIGSEGV
Stack trace:
29 0x5b82a26472d5 paraview(+0x92d5) [0x5b82a26472d5]
28 0x72fd21429e40 __libc_start_main + 128
27 0x72fd21429d90 /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x72fd21429d90]
26 0x5b82a2646fa4 paraview(+0x8fa4) [0x5b82a2646fa4]
25 0x5b82a264c9e4 paraview(+0xe9e4) [0x5b82a264c9e4]
24 0x5b82a264815d paraview(+0xa15d) [0x5b82a264815d]
23 0x72fd21199ce0 pqParaViewBehaviors::pqParaViewBehaviors(QMainWindow*, QObject*) + 2432
22 0x72fd210eee72 pqAlwaysConnectedBehavior::pqAlwaysConnectedBehavior(QObject*) + 322
21 0x72fd2012f4a6 pqObjectBuilder::createServer(pqServerResource const&, int) + 406
20 0x72fd1efd4906 vtkSMSession::ConnectToSelf(int) + 38
19 0x72fd1ff4b8f3 vtkProcessModule::RegisterSession(vtkSession*) + 147
18 0x72fd1bb14782 /opt/paraviewopenfoam510/lib/ [0x72fd1bb14782]
17 0x72fd1b9f6b3d vtkCallbackCommand::Execute(vtkObject*, unsigned long, void*) + 29
16 0x72fd216f4691 /opt/paraviewopenfoam510/lib/ [0x72fd216f4691]
15 0x72fd1f4f17c8 /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x72fd1f4f17c8]
14 0x72fd20092456 pqServerManagerObserver::connectionCreated(long long) + 70
13 0x72fd1f4f17c8 /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x72fd1f4f17c8]
12 0x72fd2017c5c6 pqServerManagerModel::onConnectionCreated(long long) + 838
11 0x72fd2008ef76 pqServerManagerModel::serverAdded(pqServer*) + 70
10 0x72fd1f4f17c8 /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x72fd1f4f17c8]
9 0x72fd21159a26 pqDefaultViewBehavior::onServerCreation(pqServer*) + 86
8 0x72fd1eed8489 vtkPVSessionCore::GatherInformation(unsigned int, vtkPVInformation*, unsigned int) + 377
7 0x72fd1eed819a vtkPVSessionCore::GatherInformationInternal(vtkPVInformation*, unsigned int) + 58
6 0x72fd12fc621d vtkPVRenderingCapabilitiesInformation::CopyFromObject(vtkObject*) + 13
5 0x72fd12fc61e3 vtkPVRenderingCapabilitiesInformation::GetLocalCapabilities() + 339
4 0x72fd1e350675 vtkOpenGLRenderWindow::SupportsOpenGL() + 1029
3 0x72fd1e354d05 vtkOpenGLRenderWindow::OpenGLInit() + 133
2 0x72fd20fb4f93 vtkglew_glewInit + 611
1 0x72fd20f9b33a /opt/paraviewopenfoam510/lib/ [0x72fd20f9b33a]
0 0x72fd21442520 /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x72fd21442520]
( 0.750s) [paraview ] :0 FATL| Signal: SIGSEGV
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

Thanks in Advance

please use ParaView from