I have been trying to build paraview-superbuild on Linux (Ubuntu). I wanted to have a UI for the same so I tried qt5 but it failed at QDoc. Regarding QDoc i tried many solution or work around but did not work.
I would to know if there is/are possible ways to have the paraview UI. The key things that are related to my project are in-situ, VR visualization, AI integration
Any specific reason why you want to use the superbuild ? Are you trying to create a relocatable package ?
I wanted to have a UI for the same so I tried qt5 but it failed at QDoc
You can enable the UseSystemQt cmake option to work around this, the resulting package will not be relocatable though.
I would to know if there is/are possible ways to have the paraview UI. The key things that are related to my project are in-situ, VR visualization, AI integration
Yes, I would need to create the relocatable package towards the end of the project (PhD), so I wish to start with super-build and familiarize with it and installation of the dependencies.
Using “UseSystemQt” cmake option seems good, but the relocatable package expectation would be more certain based on the project progress. But i can try this work around.
It was recommended to use the paraview-superbuild so it would relocatable.
Not sure why you need a relocatable package of ParaView, but ok
In any case, Qt build is complex and tested only by our CI is fairly old OS (centos 7), so it is not surprising the the build recipe may fail on modern OSes.