Hi, I was able to build Paraview visualizer code and test out the remote volume rendering functionality. Also, I’m aware that Paraview Visualizer is just an example of what is possible with paraview web, reactjs and pvpython, but I really like the remote rendering functionality so I don’t really want to re-invent the wheel, starting from scratch. I’m also interested to know if it’s there’s any way to integrate Multi planar reconstruction(MPR) with it. Say in a different viewport display the axial, coronal and saggital views for the chosen data.
Right now, if my understand is correct, by looking at the Paraview Vizualizer’s server code, a viewport is registered, so it can be accessed on the client side in vtkRenderer as a unique viewId. So, based on the data size, 3d reconstruction happens on the server/client side and the user just gets a way to interact with the data with mouse events.
So, if this is the case and I want to perform MPR, creating 3 more viewports one for each axial, coronal and saggital views will do I guess.
But, I’m not sure how to do this or even how to get started. Any advice is welcomed. Thank you in advance.