paraview without resources

i did get the paraview code source and build it, but when i execute the generated ‘paraview.exe’ it doesn’t show the resources (images and icons) like in the screen below

is there any missing ressouces of files that i should put them in the output folder.
thanks in advance for your helps.

Hi @may_soun

You need to install the Qt svg package. Using ubuntu that would be:

sudo apt-get install libqt5svg5*

thank you for your response, but i’m using windows, how can i install it

How did you install Qt ?

but i have already the Qt5svg in the Qt folder installation

i did copy the Qt5Svg.dll in the same location of “paraview.exe” but still the same issue

I’m afraid I have no idea. The symptom you have looks like svg component of Qt is not available.