ParaView XR Interface Collaboration

How can I use the ParaView XR collaboration? I tried using pvserver.exe which worked with ParaView GUI Clients but does not seem to work with the collaboration in the XR plugin widget.

I can’t use the default kitware server and I can’t compile and run collaboration_server found here

Is there any other option?

Are you not wanting to use the default server or can you not connect to the default server?

I can not use the default server. I believe it is not online anymore.

It is online and seems to be working. I tested it yesterday.

I was able to use it earlier as well. Is there a way to host our own server just in case? Additionally, is there a tutorial on the XR Interface collaboration?

I was able to use it earlier as well. Is there a way to host our own server just in case?

Currently there isn’t a way to do that. I’m not sure when we’ll get around to making that a separate, deployable component, but it’s something we want eventually.

Additionally, is there a tutorial on the XR Interface collaboration?

Not at the moment, but we’re working on improving the documentation for collaboration, so stay tuned.

Hope it helps,

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