I noticed that “Plot Over Line” filter is not working properly when applied to vtkNonOverlappingAMR : the plot appears to be trucated to the very first AMR block encountered.
Is this a known limitations ? (I was not able to find a reference stating this filter is not working well with this kind of data). In such a case, would it be hard to fix ?
I was testing under ubuntu 22.04, using paraview 5.10.0-RC1 (the one from ubuntu).
I’ve just tested a nightly build of paraview 5.12 (ParaView-5.12.20240626-MPI-Linux-Python3.10-x86_64), things have improved but there is still a problem when I select “Sample Uniformly” the plot is still truncated while the 2 others choices are working fine for me, they display the full plot.
With 5.10.0-RC1 all choices where providing a truncated plot (i can provide a screenshot if it necessary).
No, it doesn’t.
If you selected the diagonal, you cross 2 blocks with each 4 differents values; you should have 8 steps, and x axis should go from 0 to 8*sqrt(2) = 11.3. Here your x-axis is truncated to a little bit less than 6 (that is about 11.3/2).