Plugin: Why do I change .xml file, but the default values are still the same?

Hello dear Paraview developers!

Could one help me please, I am modifying the XML file of the plugin, but default values dont change. I tried launching cmake without entire solution rebuild, but it has not worked. I have no ideas.

For some reason in this revision, I have:
[1/1] Generating server manager headers for Plugin_server_manager_modules.

And not

 [1/3] Generating server manager headers for Plugin_server_manager_modules.
 [2/3] Building CXX object Plugins\Plugin\CMakeFiles\Plugin.dir\PluginPlugin.cxx.obj
 [3/3] Linking CXX shared module bin\plugins\Plugin.dll

Best regards

Can you please share the relevant CMake code that mentions the XML file? ninja -d explain after touching the XML file would also be helpful. What version of ParaView is this?