I want to export a vtkPolyData Dataset with “color” unsigned char[3] Point Data array as colored PLY data set. The problem is that paraview always uses the color of the lookuptable (as “MapScalars” checkbox would be activated, but isn’t).
i want a format which i can import into other 3d toolkits (in my case Unity) since the vtk format is not supported from others. Ply was the only one i saw which can get exported in paraview and in Unity and has color included. I have a triangle mesh with rgb info at each node…
When I save it as PLY (ASCI or binary, same results) and reload it with (same) Paraview the “color” point data array is renamed into “RGB” array and has the color values of the lookuptable, not from the “color” array
i dont know how saveState/LoadState would help of correctly exporting color into a fileformat which can be read by other 3d toolkits? can you explain this a little bit deeper?
I have created my dataset in Paraview/VTK. I would not need to export it if i could create my dataset in unity…
i have written an application wich is a kind of 3d scanner which is based on VTK/ITK and some other toolktis. I use paraview to edit this data set a little bit (cropping etc.). Then i want to integrate it into unity for virtual reality purposes…
as you already mentioned/explained the checkbox has nothing to do with export, so how should this help when i want to export data from paraview into unity?
when a vertex node of my trianlge with “color” 50,50,50 is stored as “rgb” 75,90,45, as i see it when i reload the PLY data into paraview using SpreadSheetView, then i do not need to test… how should unity know that 75,90,45 is 50,50,50 in RGB?