Postprocessing steps of Fluent files (.cas.h5 and .dat.h5 )

Dear All,
I am new in postprocessing for Ansys fluent flies ( .cas.h5 and .dat.h5 ) in ParaView.

While uploading the files in Paraview I am getting following errors:

ERROR: In vtkExecutive.cxx, line 730

Can anyone suggest processing these files in Paraview?


Please post the full error message. If possible, please share example data files to help debug.

Dear @cory.quammen
Thanks for addressing this issue.

Here are the files for .cas.h5 and .dat.h5 that I want to import into Paraview.


Hi @SKSoni

I had to rename your .dat.h5 so that it matches the .cas.h5 name and then ParaView 5.13.1 is able to open your file without issues:

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Hello @mwestphal
Thanks for your kind support.

However, can you please tell mention the initial steps of importing the file, such as file loader and contour plotting steps.


File → Open → 0142_1001_volume-1.cas.h5 → Apply

contour plotting steps.

There is no contour computation, this is just your file

Thanks for your quick response.
I have also followed the same steps and it has no error for .cas.h5 file. However, when it comes for .dat.h5 file, then the following error is showing.

ERROR: In vtkTecplotReader.cxx, line 2159
vtkTecplotReader (000001C0EB302C30): D:\acad-diat\IITK-Project\model-sample-run\modelsample_files\dp0\FFF\Fluent\0142_1001_volume-1-0.040000.dat.h5: The record type �HDF found in the file is unknown.

Actually, .dat.h5 file contains the fluent solution at particular time step.

Kindly suggest to fix it for dat.h5 ansys fluent file.

The .dat.h5 is not supposed to be open directly, it is a companion file to the .cas.h5

Here is the only one .cas.h5 file is generated during fluent output.

Please correct me, in case i want to analyse the result for any result of .dat.h5 file then I need to import both .cas.h5 and .dat.h5 file together.

For example, from attached screenshot, for results visualization of dat file [ 0142_1001_volume-1-0.090000.dat.h5 ], i have to import the cas file 0142_1001_volume-1.cas.h5 along with it in paraview.

Please suggest!

Your combination of .cas.h5 and .dat.h5 seems to be not supported of the Fluent CFF reader of ParaView yet I’m afraid.

I am using Ansys 24R1.
Can you suggest the compatible files of Fluent outputs that can be supported while plotting in Paraview.