Hi all,
I would like to create a tensor containing the velocity gradients for the 3 components of velocity for each cell of my mesh.
After several tries I obtain this solution but it still does not work:
import numpy as np
from paraview import numpy_support as ns
# Reading quantities
input0 = inputs[0]
U = input0.PointData["U_mean"]
V = input0.PointData["V_mean"]
W = input0.PointData["W_mean"]
gradu = gradient(U)
gradv = gradient(V)
gradw = gradient(W)
numPoints = input0.GetNumberOfPoints()
# Create a list to store flattened gradient tensors for each point
delta_tensors_flat = []
for i in range(numPoints):
# Create the gradient tensor for the current point
delta_tensor = np.array([[gradu[i, 0], gradu[i, 1], gradu[i, 2]],
[gradv[i, 0], gradv[i, 1], gradv[i, 2]],
[gradw[i, 0], gradw[i, 1], gradw[i, 2]]])
# Flatten the gradient tensor and add it to the list
# Convert the list to a numpy array
delta_tensors_flat_array = np.array(delta_tensors_flat)
# Print the shape of the array
# Add delta_tensors_flat_array to the point data
output.PointData.append(ns.numpy_to_vtk(delta_tensors_flat_array), "delta_tensor")
I get the error: Could not find a suitable VTK type for object.
The idea is to export the 9 component of the tensor as a .vtm file to latter remesh according to the velocity gradients (I need to have them as a tensor in the .vtm file and not component by component).
Thank you for your help!