Problem Opening .vtk files with ParaView Server Connection

Hello, I am using MacBook Pro (M2 chip) where I installed the ParaView 5.12.0 binary file. I was able to make a connection to the ParaView server in Perlmutter at NERSC.

However, when I try to open .vtk files on the server, I see “Open” dialog under the “File” menu in my local ParaView is inactive. Actually, all dialogs under the File menu are inactive except the “Recent Files” dialog with an empty file list. I made sure the server was alive (i.e. not disconnected).

When I disconnected the server, I was able to see most of the inactive dialogs including “Open” became active so that I could click it, but I have to access .vtk files on the server.

Please help me!

Hi @kindofblue. Are you sure the connection was made successfully? Did you get a message from the server side saying that a client connected? It should write “Client connected.” to stdout or whatever log file is generated on the server side.

I’m wondering about this because the only time the “Open…” File menu item would be disabled is if there is no active server connection. That should only happen when a remote connection is being established.

Hi @cory.quammen, thanks for your comments. When I make a server connection, a terminal pops up and asks me my passwd to enter. When I enter my passwd, I can login to the server and the server runs ParaView. I can see the Job ID for this (see below).

28323612 regular_m ParaView shseo PD 0:00 1 (Priority)

Enter command (h for help):

I don’t see the specific statement of “Client Connected” though.