Problem starting pvserver using servers.pvsc file on desktop machine

Dear all,
I’m trying to start pvserver on a certain amount of cores on my desktop computer using servers.pvsc file. I tried both the direct and the reverse connection strategy but could not find a way to let it work.
This is how my servers.pvsc looks like:

  <Server name="DESKTOPMACHINE - REVERSE" resource="csrc://localhost">
        <Option name="PV_CONNECT_ID" label="Connect ID" readonly="true">
          <Range type="int" min="1" max="65535" step="1" default="random"/>
        <Option name="NPROC" label="Number of Processors:">
          <Range type="int" min="1" max="8" step="1" default="4"/>
      <Command exec="/usr/bin/mpirun -np $NPROC$ /opt/paraview_v5.8.0/bin/pvserver" delay="5" timeout="60">
          <Argument value="-rc"/>
          <Argument value="-ch=desktopMachineName"/>
          <Argument value="--connect-id=$PV_CONNECT_ID$"/>
  <Server name="DESKTOPMACHINE" resource="cs://localhost">
        <Option name="PV_CONNECT_ID" label="Connect ID" readonly="true">
          <Range type="int" min="1" max="65535" step="1" default="random"/>
        <Option name="NPROC" label="Number of Processors:">
          <Range type="int" min="1" max="8" step="1" default="4"/>
      <Command exec="/usr/bin/mpirun -np $NPROC$ /opt/paraview_v5.8.0/bin/pvserver" delay="5" timeout="60">
          <Argument value="--connect-id=$PV_CONNECT_ID$"/>

On the client dialog box, when connecting, no messages appear except “Command aborted.”
The previously mentioned server settings work when I remove the mpirun -np NPROCS part from the exec command.
Any idea about how to fix this?
Thanks in advance,

try passing all arguments you have in the exec attribute as e.g.

Instead of

<Command exec="/usr/bin/mpirun -np $NPROC$ /opt/paraview_v5.8.0/bin/pvserver" delay="5" timeout="60">
    <Argument value="--connect-id=$PV_CONNECT_ID$"/>


<Command exec="/usr/bin/mpirun" delay="5" timeout="60">
    <Argument value="-np" />
    <Argument value="$NPROC$" />
    <Argument value="/opt/paraview_v5.8.0/bin/pvserver" />
    <Argument value="--connect-id=$PV_CONNECT_ID$"/>

It works,
thanks a lot!

Actually the modification worked on pv 5.8.0 installed on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS but did not on my office machine (debian 10 - testing) where I compiled the software from Source.
This is the revised version of the file that I used as suggested:
servers.pvsc (783 Bytes)
Still getting the same output message: “Command aborted.”

Just to clarify a little more the situation, every command except mpirun|mpiexec is correctly performed when connecting.