Problem visualizing VTK HDF file

Hi. I have developed a code which writes a VTKHDF file. I have visualized the file when it is generated using 20/30 cores. However, with 420 cores, paraview takes a lot of time and even then I am unable to visualize my file. Also, I have noticed unexpected quitting of paraview console any warning.

Any help or tips will be greatly appreciated. Is there a problem with VTKHDF for large number of processors? Does the visualization slow down in such cases?


It looks like you are using ParaView 5.11.1.
Please update to ParaView 5.13

FYI @Lucas_Givord @Louis_Gombert

Thanks Mathieu. Is version the issue?


Lots of improvements have been made in ParaView VTKHDF since 5.11, so I think updating would potentially fix the issue.

I downloaded Paraview 5.13 and tried opening my file. The problem still persists.


Hello @Suman_Vajjala

Is there a problem with VTKHDF for large number of processors?


Does the visualization slow down in such cases?

indeed the visualization could have an impact, you could hack it by close the render view and open a spreadsheet view

Also, I have noticed unexpected quitting of paraview console any warning.

seems definitely be a bug, is it possible for you to share your data? btw what is his Type? (Unstructured Grid, …)

it would be useful to be sure that your data is a valid VTKHDF file

Hi, Lucas. My data is in the unstructured grid format. I have 17 datasets in the file. I can share the file but it is ~10 GB. How do I do it?

By the way, when I just select one dataset to load then I am able to visualize the data. So, I am guessing that the process is slow.


You can use google drive to share big files.

Any alternative platform? My google drive is almost at full capacity.


for 10GB, I don’t know, you can use any other platform that you trust