pvbatch problems

I am trying to run my pvpython script in parallel because the file is huge (~3Gb). For these purposes, I have used Pat’s advice
where he runs using pvbatch
“mpirun -np 1 /path/to/pvbatch /path/to/script.py”

I am running my code in a Mac OS laptop “mpirun -np 4 /path/to/pvbatch /path/to/script.py”
and I am getting

 (   9.626s) [pvbatch.1       ]      vtkDelaunay3D.cxx:452    ERR| vtkDelaunay3D (0x2f21d60): <<Cannot triangulate; no input points
    (   9.627s) [pvbatch.1       ] vtkPVContourFilter.cxx:183   INFO| Contour array is null.
    (   9.622s) [pvbatch.2       ]      vtkDelaunay3D.cxx:452    ERR| vtkDelaunay3D (0x2560e30): <<Cannot triangulate; no input points
    (   9.623s) [pvbatch.3       ]      vtkDelaunay3D.cxx:452    ERR| vtkDelaunay3D (0x1b5bce0): <<Cannot triangulate; no input points
    (   9.622s) [pvbatch.2       ] vtkPVContourFilter.cxx:183   INFO| Contour array is null.
    (   9.623s) [pvbatch.3       ] vtkPVContourFilter.cxx:183   INFO| Contour array is null.

It seems that it does not parallelize computations because a master node does not share points with other cores.
Paraviiew version 5.8.0
I am using *.pvd format, in which I put *.pvtu files, which are a header for *.vtu files. Is it possible to run the code in parallel if the script reads a huge single file, or input files should be splitted into several files to ease parallel reading?
Thank you in advance)

Best regards,

You can split the .vtu files, but it might be simpler to use the Redistribute DataSet filter to partition the data across ranks.