Hello dear community,
I am running pvbatch so save the integrated data of some slices. I’ve tried a lot of things, based on what I could find in the forum. What I do is:
from paraview.simple import *
import numpy as np
PATH_PVD = "inlet.pvd"
# create a new 'PVD Reader'
inletpvd = PVDReader(registrationName='inlet.pvd',
Ly = 0.008
grid = np.arange(-Ly/2, Ly/2 + dy, dy)
vel = []
for iy, y in enumerate(grid):
# create a new 'Slice'
slice1 = Slice(registrationName='Slice1', Input=inletpvd)
slice1.SliceType.Origin = [0.0, y, 0.0]
# create a new 'Integrate Variables'
integrateVariables1 = IntegrateVariables(registrationName='IntegrateVariables1', Input=slice1)
# Create a new 'SpreadSheet View'
spreadSheetView1 = CreateView('SpreadSheetView')
# create a new 'Pass Arrays'
passArrays1 = PassArrays(Input=integrateVariables1)
passArrays1.PointDataArrays = ['VELOC:1']
# update the view to ensure updated data information
ss_data = servermanager.Fetch(passArrays1)
However, I get an error with the servermanager
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "3_save_integrated_slices_data.py", line 74, in <module>
ss_data = servermanager.Fetch(passArrays1)
File "Software/ParaView-5.11.0-osmesa-MPI-Linux-Python3.9-x86_64/lib/python3.9/site-packages/paraview/servermanager.py", line 2468, in Fetch
opc = op.NewInstance()
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'NewInstance'
I have tried many other things but I thought, based on what I’ve seen in the forum, that this was the correct way. I am a bit of at a loss how to proceed, if anyone has a hint