pvpython problems

Hello, my goal is to save time by running paraview through pvpython rather than the gui. What I’m doing is loading a folder of data files and then using them to create an animation. (running linux mint)

The initial steps aside from the source of the datafiles is always the same so I want to automate the initial steps through pvpython command line as much as possible

Here is the initial script I’m using


I have two main problems and a question.

  1. pvpython from command line simply won’t work. When I try

pvpython WB.py

I get

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "WB.py", line 11, in <module>
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/paraview/servermanager.py", line 414, in __getattr__
    return getattr(self.SMProxy, name)
AttributeError: UpdateAnimationUsingDataTimeSteps
  1. Is there an easier way to load the data files other than as shown in the script, this?

    • create a new ‘CSV Reader’
      pararesults0 = CSVReader(FileName=[’/home/ace/wtresults112518/pararesults001.csv’, etc

I need to load a different folder of files each time. Ordinarily I’d load this into paraview by clicking on a single series of files but in the command line the loading is 99 names long.

  1. After I create the visualization through pvpython. would it be possible to manipulate it via the gui Ie turn it around, look at different variables?
  1. After I create the visualization through pvpython. would it be possible to manipulate it via the gui Ie turn it around, look at different variables?

For that, you need to connect to a pvserver running in multi-client mode.